So finden Sie die richtigen Projekte zur CO2-Kompensation – ohne Greenwashing

CO₂-Kompensation – so klappt es ohne Greenwashing

Wohin mit den unvermeidbaren Treibhausgasemissionen? In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie die CO₂-Kompensation angehen – mit wirksamen Projekten und ohne Greenwashing.

Ihre CO₂-Bilanz und Klimastrategie sind ausgearbeitet und Sie reduzieren bereits die ersten Treibhausgasemissionen. Doch da wird langsam absehbar: Trotz aller Bemühungen werden Ihnen gewisse Restemissionen übrigbleiben! Wohin mit den unvermeidbaren Emissionen? Wenn Sie auch vor dieser Frage stehen, sind Sie in diesem Artikel richtig. Denn klar, CO₂-Kompensation ist die naheliegende Lösung. Aber…

Achtung – CO₂-Ausgleich ist ein zweischneidiges Schwert

CO₂-Kompensation ist schon lange ein Streitthema. Durchaus zurecht, denn die Situation am Kohlenstoffmarkt ist tatsächlich nicht so rosig:

Der freiwillige Kohlenstoffmarkt (Voluntary Carbon Market) wird aktuell weder durch eine staatliche Aufsicht noch durch einen verbindlichen Rechtsrahmen reguliert. Statt rechtlich verbindlicher Kriterien zur Validierung von CO₂-Ausgleich gibt es nur eine Reihe privater Standards und Register mit unterschiedlichen Qualitätskriterien. Das macht die Marktstruktur undurchsichtig und führt zu großen Qualitätsunterschieden innerhalb der Klimaschutzprojekte, die den sogenannten CO₂-Gutschriften zugrunde liegen.

Ein Beispiel: Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) hat bereits mehrfach erfolgreich gegen die Kompensation durch Waldprojekte und Wiederaufforstung geklagt. Die Gründe: Die veranschlagte Waldfläche konnte die ausgestoßene CO₂-Menge gar nicht ausgleichen oder das Projekt lief nicht lang genug, um mit der Lebensdauer von CO₂ in der Atmosphäre mitzuhalten.

Damit stehen Sie vor zwei Problemen:

  1. Sie können sich bei der Qualitätssicherung nicht ausschließlich auf die Angaben von Standards und Registern verlassen
  2. Gleichzeitig wird von Ihrem Unternehmen ein wahrheitsgetreues Reporting erwartet, denn Greenwashing wird sanktioniert.

Eigentlich müssten Sie die zertifizierten Projekte nun nochmal selbst unter die Lupe nehmen. Sie können sich vorstellen: Das wird aufwendig.

Wie Sie effizient seriöse Projekte zur CO₂-Kompensation auswählen, zeigen wir Ihnen gemeinsam mit unserem Partner ClimateGrid.

Leitfaden zur Dekarbonisierungsstrategie

Bei der Umsetzung von Klimazielen, Übergangsplänen und CO₂-Bilanzen ist eine ganzheitliche Dekarbonisierungsstrategie bzw. Klimastrategie mehr als hilfreich. Mit diesem Leitfaden können Sie direkt loslegen!

6 Faktoren für die Auswahl seriöser Projekte für die CO₂-Kompensation

1. Impact

Die Projekte sollten messbare positive Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt haben, die nach Möglichkeit über die reine Reduktion von CO₂-Emissionen hinausgehen. Das umfasst den Schutz der Biodiversität, aber auch die Verbesserung von Luft- und Wasserqualität sowie die Wiederherstellung und den Erhalt von Ökosystemen (Co-Benefits).

Ein starker Umweltimpact bedeutet, dass das gewählte Projekt einen ganzheitlichen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz leistet.

2. Methodologie und Verifizierung

Die Projekte sollten auf anerkannten wissenschaftlichen Methoden sowie Standards basieren. Außerdem sollten sie regelmäßig durch unabhängige Dritte überprüft werden, um die Zuverlässigkeit der in Anspruch genommenen Emissionsminderungen sicherzustellen.

3. Dauerhaftigkeit und Monitoring

Es ist wichtig, dass Projekte über die gesamte Laufzeit hinweg überwacht werden, damit die Emissionen auch wirklich dauerhaft reduziert werden. Regelmäßiges Monitoring und Berichterstattung helfen dabei, Risiken frühzeitig zu erkennen und Gegenmaßnahmen zu ergreifen. Das sichert die langfristige Wirkung des Projekts.

4. Zusätzlichkeit

Projekte gelten als zusätzlich, wenn sie ohne die erwarteten Einnahmen aus dem Erlös von Emissionszertifikaten nicht durchgeführt worden wären. Dies erfordert eine genauere Analyse und Bewertung des Ausgangsszenarios (Projekt-Baseline).

5. Doppelzählung

Beim Projekt Ihrer Wahl muss garantiert sein, dass die Emissionsreduktionen nicht mehrfach verkauft oder von verschiedenen Parteien beansprucht werden. Dies schützt die Integrität des Kohlenstoffmarkts.

6. Einbettung in die Klimastrategie

Die CO₂-Kompensation sollte wirklich nur dann eine Option darstellen, wenn Sie sämtliche Potenziale zur Emissionsminderung im Rahmen Ihrer Klimastrategie bereits ausgeschöpft haben. Ein seriöses Projekt sollte Teil einer umfassenden Klimastrategie sein und keinesfalls isoliert betrachtet werden. Dadurch wird gewährleistet, dass die Maßnahmen einen sinnvollen Beitrag zu Ihren Gesamtklimazielen leisten und nicht nur für „Greenwashing“ genutzt werden.

Green Claims Directive im Überblick

Achtung vor Greenwashing: Die EU will nun einen klaren Rahmen für Nachhaltigkeitsversprechen vorgeben, um Ehrlichkeit und Transparenz zu gewährleisten. Verschaffen Sie sich einen verständlichen Überblick zur neuen Green Claims Directive und deren Folgen für Ihr Unternehmen!

Was Sie sich aus diesem Artikel mitnehmen sollten

Wenn Sie Emissionen ausgleichen wollen, sollten Siealso auf keinen Fall das erstbeste Ausgleichsprojekt wählen. Wählen Sie mit unseren Tipps gezielt ein Projekt mit wirklichem Impact aus!

Und denken Sie daran:

Klimaneutralität gelingt nur mit enger Abstimmung zwischen CO₂-Bilanz, Dekarbonisierungsstrategie, Greenwashing-Awareness sowie seriösen Klima- und Umweltschutzprojekten zum Ausgleich Ihrer unvermeidbaren Restemissionen.

Unterstützung bei Ihrem CO₂-Management gesucht?

Wie Sie sehen, ist die Auswahl der richtigen Projekte für Ihre CO₂-Kompensation gar nicht so einfach. Und wer weiß, vielleicht können Sie doch noch an der ein oder anderen Stelle Treibhausgasemissionen reduzieren? Wir schauen uns das gerne mit Ihnen an. Mit Klimaberatung und CO₂-Software begleiten wir Sie durch Ihre Dekarbonisierungsstrategie. Und wenn es dann an die Auswahl der passenden Kompensationsprojekte geht, helfen wir Ihnen gemeinsam mit unserem Partner ClimateGrid weiter.

Mann schiebt sein Fahrrad durch Hochwasser. Symbolbild für den Klimawandel, auf den sich ESRS E1 fokussiert

CSRD und Klima: Tipps zum Reporting nach ESRS E1

Wer vorm CSRD-Reporting steht, kommt an ESRS E1 nicht vorbei. Lesen Sie in diesem Beitrag, was den ersten Umweltstandard so wichtig macht und wie Sie die Anforderungen effizient erfüllen!

ESRS E1 – der Standard, zu dem (fast) alle berichten müssen

Die Arbeit an jedem CSRD-Bericht startet mit einer Analyse der doppelten Wesentlichkeit. Hier wird ermittelt, zu welchen der über 1000 Datenpunkte der CSRD Ihr Unternehmen tatsächlich berichten muss. Der erste Umweltstandard ESRS E1 bildet dabei eine Ausnahme. Unabhängig vom Ergebnis der Doppelten Wesentlichkeitsanalyse muss im Grunde jedes Unternehmen zu den rund 230 in diesem Standard geforderten Datenpunkten berichten.

Warum? Weil jedes Unternehmen Emissionen verursacht und sich damit auf den Klimawandel auswirkt. Umgekehrt dürfte jedes Unternehmen vom Klimawandel betroffen sein.

Kurz: An ESRS E1 kommt kein Unternehmen vorbei. Gleichzeitig ist das Reporting nach diesem Standard komplex. Gehen wir deshalb nun also Schritt für Schritt durch, wie Sie ESRS E1 meistern.

Die ESRS-Standards im Überblick

Die European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) sollen Nachhaltigkeitsberichte aussagekräftiger und vergleichbarer machen. Alle Infos gibt es im Whitepaper.

Um was geht es in ESRS E1?

Datensammlung und Reporting gehen leichter von der Hand, wenn Sie das „Warum“ dahinter kennen.

ESRS E1 soll aufzeigen,

  • … wie sich Ihr Unternehmen auf den Klimawandel auswirkt (positiv wie negativ, real und potenziell).
  • … welche Risiken und Chancen der Klimawandel für Ihr Unternehmen birgt und wie Ihr Unternehmen damit umgeht.
  • … wie sich Ihr Unternehmen um Klimaschutz bemüht – das umfasst bisherige und aktuelle Maßnahmen, aber auch zukünftige.
  • … welche finanziellen Folgen die Klimakrise für Ihr Unternehmen hat.

Die Anforderungen von ESRS E1 lassen sich dabei in zwei Themenfelder sortieren:

  • Abschwächung des Klimawandels („Climate Change Mitigation“): Strategien und Maßnahmen, um die Erderwärmung zu begrenzen
  • Anpassung an den Klimawandel („Climate Change Adaption“): Vorgehensweisen, um die Resilienz gegen aktuelle und erwartete Folgen des Klimawandels zu stärken

Die Datenpunkte im Überblick

Wie bereits erwähnt, ist ESRS E1 für fast alle Unternehmen relevant. Insgesamt umfasst E1 neun Angabepflichten – nicht alle davon sind aber sofort oder für jedes Unternehmen von Bedeutung. Hier ein kurzer Überblick:

  • E1-1 – Übergangsplan für den Klimaschutz
  • E1-2 – Konzepte im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimaschutz und der Anpassung an den Klimawandel
  • E1-3 – Maßnahmen und Mittel im Zusammenhang mit den Klimastrategien
  • E1-4 – Ziele im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimaschutz und der Anpassung an den Klimawandel
  • E1-5 – Energieverbrauch und Energiemix
  • E1-6 – THG-Bruttoemissionen der Kategorien Scope 1, 2 und 3 sowie Gesamtemissionen
  • E1-7 – Abbau von Treibhausgasen und Projekte zur Verringerung von Treibhausgasen, finanziert über CO2-Gutschriften
  • E1-8 – Interne CO2-Bepreisung
  • E1-9 – Erwartete finanzielle Auswirkungen wesentlicher physischer Risiken und Übergangsrisiken sowie potenzielle klimabezogene Chancen

Hinzu kommen noch drei Anforderungen aus dem übergreifenden Standard ESRS 2:

  • ESRS 2 GOV-3 – Einbeziehung der nachhaltigkeitsbezogenen Leistung in Anreizsysteme
  • ESRS 2 IRO-1 – Beschreibung der Verfahren zur Ermittlung und Bewertung der wesentlichen klimabezogenen Auswirkungen, Risiken und Chancen
  • ESRS 2 SBM-3 – Wesentliche Auswirkungen, Risiken und Chancen und ihr Zusammenspiel mit Strategie und Geschäftsmodell

Gut zu wissen: Es gibt beim Reporting zu ESRS E1 einige Ausnahmen. So kann zwar grundsätzlich jedes Unternehmen die interne CO2-Bepreisung (ESRS E1-8) nutzen, in der Praxis ist sie jedoch nur für große Unternehmen sinnvoll. ESRS E1-8 ist also nicht zwingend Teil eines jeden CSRD-Berichts.  Zu E1-9 müssen Sie erst ab dem zweiten Berichtsjahr berichten. Und Scope-3-Daten sind im ersten Berichtsjahr nur für Unternehmen mit über 750 Mitarbeitenden verpflichtend.

Dennoch werden hier eine ganze Menge Informationen abgefragt. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass die meisten der geforderten Datenpunkte nicht einfach so vorliegen, sondern erst einmal ermittelt werden müssen.

Da stellt sich nun also die Frage: Wie gehen Sie ESRS E1 am besten an? Hier kommt Ihr Guide für ESRS E1.

Leitfaden für Ihre Klimastrategie

Für Klimaziele, Übergangsplänen und CO2-Bilanzen ist eine ganzheitliche Klimastrategie mehr als hilfreich. Tipps dazu finden Sie in diesem Leitfaden.

Schritt für Schritt durch ESRS E1

Die Angabepflichten von ESRS E1 ergeben in der eben genannten Reihenfolge zwar beim Lesen und Reporting/Schreiben Sinn. Halten Sie sich bei der vorangehenden Datensammlung jedoch an diese Reihenfolge, fehlen Ihnen zu Beginn wichtige Daten. Deshalb empfehlen wir Ihnen bei der Datensammlung stattdessen die folgende Vorgehensweise.

Beim eigentlichen Reporting präsentieren Sie Ihre Ergebnisse dann in der eigentlichen Reihenfolge: E1-1, E1-2, …

Schritt 1: ESRS E1-6 und ESRS E1-5

ESRS 1 steht und fällt mit der THG-Bilanz zu den Scopes 1 bis 3. Sie dient als Baseline für alle weiteren Angabepflichten. Ermitteln Sie hier auch direkt Ihre Energiebilanz, um in den nächsten Schritten alle Daten zur Hand zu haben.

Schritt 2:  ESRS E1-4

Ausgehend von Ihrer Bilanz-Baseline entwickeln bzw. benennen Sie Ihre kurz- und mittelfristigen Klimaziele sowie Ihr langfristiges Net-Zero-Ziel. Achten Sie darauf, dass Ihre Ziele wissenschaftsbasiert sowie im Einklang mit den Zielen des Pariser Klimaabkommens sind. Sie haben noch keine Ziele? Dann können Sie auch angeben, wann Sie Ihre Ziele setzen werden.

Schritt 3: ESRS E1-3

Nun ermitteln Sie Ihre Dekarbonisierungshebel. Beschreiben Sie, mit welchen Maßnahmen Sie die genannten Ziele erreichen wollen und welche Maßnahmen schon umgesetzt wurden. Alternativ können Sie hier angeben, bis wann Sie – ähnlich wie bei den Zielen – Ihre Maßnahmen entwickelt haben wollen.

Schritt 4: ESRS E1-7

Ihr Unternehmen gleicht nicht-vermeidbare Restemissionen über CO2-Gutschriften bzw. Kompensationsprojekte aus? Dann müssen Sie natürlich auch dazu berichten. Achtung: Gehen Sie hier genau vor, um nicht in die Greenwashing-Falle zu tappen.

Schritt 5: ESRS E1-1

Jetzt kommt Ihr Übergangsplan. Hier beschreiben Sie umfassend, wie sich Ihr Unternehmen um Klimaschutz bemüht, wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen auf die Klimakrise und dessen Folgen vorbereiten und inwiefern Ihr Unternehmen konkret zur Begrenzung der Erderwärmung beiträgt. Für ESRS E1-1 gibt es in den ersten Berichtsjahren eine Übergangsfrist.

Schritt 6: ESRS E1-2

Anschließend benennen Sie Konzepte im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimaschutz bzw. der Anpassung an den Klimawandel – und wie Sie diese Strategien implementieren. Das umfasst z.B. interne Steuerungselemente wie etwa den internen CO2-Preis nach ESRS E1-8, aber auch IT- und Softwarestrategien. Auch hier können Sie alternativ angeben, bis wann Sie Ihr Konzept erarbeiten werden.

Schritt 7: Reporting

Sind die Daten gesammelt, Ziele gesetzt und Maßnahmen zum Erreichen dieser Ziele definiert, geht es nun ans Reporting.

Praxisleitfaden CSRD

Besonderheiten, Praxisbeispiele und Stolpersteine: Unser Leitfaden erleichtert Ihnen den Einstieg und die Vorbereitung auf die CSRD und den ESRS-Standard. Inklusive Checkliste!

Praxistipps zur Umsetzung

Nicht alle Unternehmen schaffen beim ersten Bericht schon ein Reporting zu allen Angabepflichten. Dennoch möchten wir Ihnen abschließend möchten wir noch ein paar grundsätzliche Tipps mitgeben, worauf Sie beim Reporting zu ESRS E1 besonders achten sollten.

Unterschätzen Sie niemals die Klimabilanz

Die Klimabilanz muss auf einem stabilen Datenfundament stehen. Betrachten Sie daher sorgfältig alle Emissionsquellen Ihres Unternehmens. Vom Arbeitsweg der Mitarbeitenden bis hin zur Logistik. Auch wenn das viel Arbeit bedeutet: Nehmen Sie keine Abkürzungen an der falschen Stelle. Die Ergebnisse ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch den gesamten Standard. Aus der Klimabilanz leiten sich alle weiteren Maßnahmen ab. Gleichzeitig können Sie Ihre Klimaziele nur dann erreichen, wenn diese sich in der Bilanz widerspiegeln. Drittens führen Ungenauigkeiten und Fehler zu falschen Behauptungen in Klimaaussagen – was im Zuge der Green Claims Directive mittlerweile sanktioniert wird.

Gehen Sie ESRS E1-6 also mit wachem Auge und dem nötigen Detailgrad an, damit auch die nächsten Schritte gelingen.

Passen Sie Ihre Prozesse an

Die enormen Datenmengen, die für ESRS E1 aus den unterschiedlichsten Quellen ermittelt werden müssen, erfordern hohe Transparenz darüber, was in Ihrem Unternehmen und Ihren Lieferketten vor sich geht. Je nachdem, wie Ihr Unternehmen bereits aufgestellt ist, braucht es neue Prozesse und Strukturen, um die Anforderungen effektiv abzubilden.

Planen Sie ausreichend Zeit ein

Das CSRD-Reporting ist ohnehin schon sehr umfangreich. Besonders ESRS E1 verschlingt dabei viel Zeit. Allein die Klimabilanz kann schon einmal ein halbes Jahr dauern – und auch die darauf aufbauende Klimastrategie ist zeitaufwendig. Planen Sie sich also ausreichend Zeit und auch Puffer ein!

Von Klimabilanz bis Reporting: VERSO unterstützt Sie!

Der wohl wichtigste Tipp: Verlieren Sie keine Zeit. Und zögern Sie nicht, sich Unterstützung zu suchen. VERSO hilft Ihnen mit Software und Beratung dabei, die Anforderungen aus ESRS E1 zu erfüllen – von der CO2-Bilanz über transparente, wahrheitsgetreue Klimakommunikation bis hin zum fertigen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht.

* Bei diesen Informationen handelt es sich um redaktionell zusammengefassten Content, der nicht als Rechtsberatung zu verstehen ist. VERSO übernimmt keine Haftung. 

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Earth Overshoot Day

Earth Overshoot Day:
3 tips for sustainable resource management

Earth Overshoot Day marks the day on which we humans have used up all the natural resources we are entitled to for the year. Earth Overshoot Day shows us that we must take action! In this blog post, you will find lots of information about Earth Overshoot Day as well as three tips for more sustainable resource management in your company.

Let’s imagine that: At the beginning of August, we have already spent our entire annual salary.
We should now be planning our big summer vacation – but no, there’s not a single cent left.
From now on, we’ll have to live on credit and somehow get by until the end of the year.
Not a nice idea, is it?
The scary thing is: This is exactly how we are treating our planetary resources – and this is what Earth Overshoot Day stands for.
In 2024, Earth Overshoot Day falls on August 1.
All the natural resources that we humans are actually entitled to this year have been used up.
From this day onwards, we will be living at the expense of the future – for another 5 months.
A bitter day?
Absolutely, there’s no denying it.
But it doesn’t help to bury our heads in the sand.
Let’s use the day as a reminder: let’s act now and push Earth Overshoot Day as far back as possible!
Following the information about Earth Overshoot Day, this blog post therefore contains three tips on how you can make your company’s resource management more sustainable.
These simple measures, which every company can implement, actively contribute to environmental and climate protection.  

Definition: What is Earth Overshoot Day?

Earth Overshoot Day has been calculated since 1971.
In German, it is also known as Earth Overshoot Day or World Exhaustion Day.
It marks the date on which humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in one year exceeds what the earth can regenerate in that year.
This is how the WWF describes it, for example.
The overshoot days are calculated globally and nationally – the total global consumption of resources is used or the consumption of a specific country is extrapolated to the global availability of resources.
The calculations for the overshoot days are based on the concept of the ecological footprint.
It describes the biologically productive area on earth that is necessary to enable a person’s lifestyle and standard of living.
In short, it documents how much nature we have and how much we need.
Earth Overshoot Day is calculated by the Footprint Data Foundation, York University and the Global Footprint Network.

Why is sustainability important for your company?

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important – not only for private individuals, but also for companies.
We use facts and figures from the year 2024 to show why you should not view sustainability as a mere compulsory exercise.

Earth Overshoot Day earlier and earlier

It’s no big surprise: Earth Overshoot Day is always earlier, and it has steadily moved forward over the past 50 years.
Since the 2010s, however, it has settled around the beginning of August.

Der Earth Overshoot Day, auf deutsch auch Erdüberlastungstag oder Welterschöpfungstag genannt, fällt 2024 auf den 1. August. Der Tag zeigt, wann wir Menschen alle natürlichen Ressourcen, die uns für dieses Jahr zur Verfügung stehen, aufgebraucht haben. Er ist seit 1971 kontinuierlich früher. © Global Footprint Network

It all started in 1971: the first Earth Overshoot Day came as a worrying Christmas present under the Christmas tree, so to speak.
It fell on December 25, but at least we were still almost on target.
However, the consumption of resources continued to increase and so did Earth Overshoot Day.
As early as 1974, it moved to November, from 1987 to October and in 1999 it was in September for the first time.
Since 2005, Earth Overshoot Day has been in August and is steadily approaching July.
In 2018 and 2022, Earth Overshoot Day was already on August 1, the earliest date to date.
Each time it was a little later the following year.
In 2024, it will fall on August 1 for the third time.
The coronavirus pandemic and specifically the year 2020 represent a notable break in the statistics.
Global lockdowns and restrictions, the decline in production and transportation had a drastic impact on people and the economy.
But energy and resource consumption and CO2 emissions also fell significantly and the Earth Overshoot Day slipped back to August 16.
However, the effect did not last long and was no longer strongly felt the following year.
If you follow the development of Earth Overshoot Day closely, you will have noticed the fluctuations.
From time to time the day is later than in the previous year or it is adjusted retrospectively.
This can also be related to optimizations in resource consumption.
However, the reasons are usually more precise calculation methods and improved data sets.

CSRD: New requirements for sustainability reports

As part of the Green Deal, the EU is driving forward numerous measures for sustainable transformation – including the CSRD, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
You can find all the details in our factsheet.

Overshoot Day for Germany

Calculated for Germany alone, Overshoot Day is even earlier.
In 2024, it already fell on May 2.
This means that if every country consumed resources like we do in Germany, everything the planet can offer and regenerate would already be used up by that day.
In other words, if everyone lived like we do, we would need three Earths.
Compared to previous years, not much has changed with regard to Germany’s Overshoot Day.
It is consistently at the beginning of May – except for the outlier in 2020 due to coronavirus.
So we haven’t got worse in Germany, but we haven’t really improved either.

Der Country Overshoot Day für Deutschland ist 2024 auf den 2. Mai gefallen. Würden alle Menschen auf der so leben wie wir in Deutschland, wären an diesem Tag alle natürlichen Ressourcen, die uns eigentlich zur Verfügung stehen, aufgebraucht. Das bedeutet: Wir bräuchten drei Erden. © Global Footprint Network

However, it is also worth taking a look at other countries for comparison.
The three earliest Country Overshoot Days in 2024 were in:

  • Qatar: February 11
  • Luxembourg; February 20
  • United Arab Emirates: March 4

The three countries for which the respective Country Overshoot Day was calculated for the latest date are:

  • Guinea: December 27
  • Moldova: December 28
  • Kyrgyzstan: December 30

And to conclude the comparison, let’s take a look at three G12 countries:

  • USA: March 14
  • France: May 7
  • China: June 1


What Earth Overshoot Day means for your company

Earth Overshoot Day is first and foremost a wake-up call to humanity.
The initiators want to show that our actions can lead to unpleasant consequences.
And these consequences will also be felt by companies, or are already being felt.
One example is extreme weather events such as droughts or floods, which are occurring more frequently and more intensively as a result of climate change.
They show how vulnerable global supply chains are.
The consequences are often crop failures, shortages of raw materials or blocked transport routes.
All of this is already leading to bottlenecks in supply and production – and the trend is currently increasing rather than decreasing.

Practical guide to CSRD

Our practical guide, including a checklist, will help you prepare for CSRD reporting.
Find out what challenges there are and how you can overcome them.

3 tips for sustainable resource management in your company

Resource consumption affects us all.
Even as private individuals, we can make a difference.
The WWF lists various ways for end consumers to live more sustainably and thus push back the date of World Exhaustion Day.
“Buy green, consume less and eat less meat” is the succinct but effective recommendation for private individuals.
However, one of the biggest levers for saving resources worldwide is the economy.
Anyone who now thinks that sustainability is just something for a clear conscience or regulatory reporting obligations is mistaken: sustainable management brings business value, creates competitive advantages and strengthens the future viability and resilience of companies.
Many measures can save you money.
These three tips will help you get closer to sustainable resource management:  

The three big Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

One of the most effective methods for establishing sustainable resource management in a company is the circular economy.
It starts with the big three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
It is about reducing the use of resources and materials, reusing products and reusing the materials from one product in another product.
One approach is an internal recycling process in which production waste is collected, processed and reused.
This can significantly reduce waste and thus the amount of raw materials required.
In addition, recycled or bio-based materials can be ordered from suppliers.
Resources can also be saved during shipping.
For example, packaging that can be reused.
But also in transport itself.
There are special pooling systems for pallet cages and Euro pallets – a reusable system for load carriers, so to speak.
Empty runs by truck should also be avoided.
But savings can also be made quite simply in the office.
For example, in water or energy consumption.
Refillable printer cartridges produce less waste.
Or you can switch completely to a paperless office.
Incidentally, the three big Rs are just the beginning: the circular economy goes a big step further and focuses on the 10 Rs. The concept and many other interesting facts about the circular economy can be found in this blog post “How the circular economy works and what it can achieve in Germany“.  

Save energy and use it more efficiently

Energy is an important resource for every company – which is why it makes sense to start here.
The range of measures to save energy and use it efficiently is very broad.
It starts with obvious and simple steps:

  • Use LED instead of halogen lamps
  • Install motion detectors for the lighting
  • Adjusting the brightness of screens downwards
  • Use laptops instead of desktop computers

You should also take a systematic approach here – an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001, for example, is helpful.
Although individual measures can lead to savings, they can also cause problems in other areas.
Therefore, look at the big picture and start looking for energy guzzlers.
Air conditioning, heating and ventilation often offer opportunities for optimization.
Important: Also check whether there is a state subsidy for the replacement.
Or have you ever thought about hosting your website?
With tools such as the Website Carbon Calculator, you can calculate the CO2 footprint of your company website in no time at all.
In the blog post “How to communicate your sustainability on your website“, we provide simple tips under point 6 on how to make your website more sustainable without any design or coding knowledge.
Another way to save energy: your company can become an electricity producer itself.
Photovoltaic systems are not only suitable for building roofs, but also for parking lots.
Not only do you generate green electricity and cover part of your energy requirements, you also create a source of shade.
You can also participate in local wind farms.  

Sensitize and train employees

Employees are the key to a company’s success.
This applies not only to purely financial success, but also to the implementation of ESG initiatives.
It is therefore important to sensitize the entire team to sustainable action and train them accordingly.
This firmly anchors sustainability in the corporate culture.
During workshops, you should emphasize waste separation and avoidance and give tips on saving water and energy.
If everyone, or at least many people, adapt their behavior a little, a lot can be achieved.
One question that everyone should ask themselves, for example: Do I really need to print out this document or will it suffice in digital form?
One major lever is the transport sector.
Switch to public transport for business trips within Germany.
At the same time, your company can reward environmentally friendly behavior – for example with rental bikes or a subsidy for public transport.  

Is your company doing enough in terms of sustainability?
Here’s how to find out

A sustainability report is a good measurement tool for companies in terms of ESG and implementation.
It allows you to determine the status quo and see your development over the years.
On this basis, you can develop or adapt measures and targets.
The CSRD reporting obligation may even mean that your company is obliged to prepare a sustainability report.
VERSO provides you with comprehensive support for this task.
With the VERSO ESG Hub, you can collect all relevant data and create a meaningful sustainability report.
The Climate Hub also calculates the corporate carbon footprint. And the VERSO Sustainability Experts will support you throughout the entire process. Would you like to acquire even more knowledge about ESG and sustainability yourself? Then it’s worth visiting our VERSO Academy. In the online courses, you and your colleagues can learn all about sustainability in the company – now with a brand new course for specialists and managers.  


* This information is summarized editorial content and should not be construed as legal advice. VERSO accepts no liability.

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  • Pragmatic all-in-one solution for ESG reporting, climate and supply chain management
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Nuvia Maslo im neuen Kurs der VERSO Academy, Fit for Sustainability

What specialists and managers should know about sustainability

ESG regulations, sanctions and real environmental threats are putting companies under increasing pressure. This means that sustainability must now be implemented in companies.

And in such a way that it does not become a bureaucratic monster. Because sustainability is not a spoilsport, but can create real business value. Read here to find out how this works and what you need to know as a specialist or manager.

Sustainability starts with specialists and managers

Sustainability ambitions must come from the management level.
Then it can create real business value with competitive advantages, cost savings and resilience.
At management level, the importance of the topic must be understood, priorities set and strategic decisions made for sustainability.
For specialists and managers, this means getting to grips with the topic of sustainability, acquiring knowledge and at least understanding the basics.
We give you 4 tips to help you successfully drive forward the sustainable transformation in your company.

Training tip: The new ESG course “Fit for Sustainability”

Learn everything that specialists and managers need to know about sustainability in our “Fit for Sustainability” online course.
The early bird phase is currently still running – register here for a 25% voucher!

4 tips for starting the sustainable transformation

1. find out about the role of companies in sustainability

Climate change is real.
The first effects are already being felt.
Extreme weather events are more extreme and occur more frequently.
There is a lot to be done to ensure that this planet remains liveable for future generations.
But what role do companies play in this?
Where are the most serious problems and how can we solve them?
You should be clear about this before you put sustainability on the agenda.
Because only then will you be able to win over your employees to the issue and only then will you have the know-how to implement measures with real impact.

2. familiarize yourself with the most important ESG regulations

With the Green Deal, the EU is bringing many laws and directives to the table that oblige companies to be more sustainable.
These include the CSRD reporting obligation, the CSDDD supply chain law and special regulations such as the EU Taxonomy, the SFDR regulation for the financial sector, the CBAM carbon border adjustment mechanism and the EUDR deforestation regulation.
In addition, there are also laws in Germany that require companies to deal with sustainability at all ESG levels, such as the German Supply Chain Act LkSG.
Of course, you don’t need to know all the directives and laws in detail.
However, an overview of the implementation deadlines, what needs to be done and which roles are required in the company is essential.

3. communicate sustainability transparently and without greenwashing

Regardless of whether you have to publish a sustainability report due to the CSRD obligation or would like to report on your sustainability activities voluntarily: Communicating sustainability is a fine line between correct and misleading.
What is communicated can quickly verge on greenwashing, and the CSRD also requires very comprehensive statements that have to be watertight.
Successful and legally compliant communication requires a good understanding of sustainability, of the company’s own activities, of sustainability communication and of the regulatory framework.

4. develop a sustainability strategy and use it to leverage potential for your company

The topic of sustainability and the associated laws and guidelines are often referred to as a “bureaucracy monster”.
But that doesn’t have to be the case: take a strategic approach to the topic and integrate sustainability firmly into your corporate strategy.
This will open up real opportunities for your company.
Because sustainable management makes your company resilient and fit for the future and opens up new business models and competitive advantages.

How do you get started? With knowledge building!

Now it’s time to get started!
At the VERSO Academy, we have the ideal course for you to gain knowledge on all these topics: You will efficiently learn everything important that specialists and managers should know about sustainability in the shortest possible time – tailored to your needs and potential.
After the training course, you can get started with the sustainable transformation straight away. Sounds good?
Get the
25 % Early bird discount – redeemable as soon as the course is bookable:

* This information is summarized editorial content and should not be construed as legal advice. VERSO accepts no liability.

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  • Pragmatic all-in-one solution for ESG reporting, climate and supply chain management
  • Individual advice from the VERSO experts
  • Developed with expertise from 12+ years of sustainability management
  • Trusted by 250+ customers

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Foto eines Pflanzensprosses, der sich spiralenförmig entrollt

How the circular economy works and what it can achieve in Germany

Circular economy and circular economy are terms that you come across more and more often in the context of sustainability. What is behind them, why is the circular economy presented as an important system change and what would it look like in everyday life?

Circular Economy and circular economy are terms that you come across more and more frequently in the context of sustainability.
What is behind them, why are
Circular Economy as an important system change and what would that look like in everyday life?
We have for you
a brief insight with the most important topics compiled.
really small. Dbecause the whole is so ramified and comprehensive that we could probably write a whole book about it.n couldnten

Circular economy and circular economy – what are they?

Circular economy and circular economy – what are they?

Let’s start with a classic definition.
Because – spoiler – the terms
Circular economy” and Circular Economy” are often used synonymously, but are strictly speaking different.

Circular Economy

Circular economy describes an economic model in which resources and products are used for as long as possible within a closed cycle.
Once they have reached the end of their useful life, they are not simply disposed of, but returned to the cycle – i.e. made usable again.

The reference point is ISO 59004:2024.
It describes the basic principles and concepts of the circular economy, but also provides assistance for implementation in the company.
Circular economy is defined here as:

“Economic system that takes a systemic approach to maintaining the cycle of resources by recovering, preserving or enhancing their value while contributing to sustainable development.”

The WWF‘s definition is somewhat clearer and more direct:

Circular Economy [ist] a regenerative system, powered by renewable energy, which replaces the current linear industrial model Take – produce – dispose replaced.
Materials are instead retained in the economy, products are shared, while waste and negative impacts are avoided.
CE creates positive effects and benefits for the environment and society and works within planetary boundaries.
It is made possible by rethinking the current understanding of growth and consumption.”

A helpful overview of all relevant standards relating to the circular economy can be found at the German Institute for Standardization (DIN).

For companies subject to CSRD, ESRS E5 (Resource use and circular economy) is also important in this context.

The ESRS at a glance

How are the ESRS structured, what information is required and how does double materiality work?
Our white paper explains it clearly!

Circular economy

Circular economy means exactly the same thing in theory.
In Germany, however, the circular economy actually only means avoiding waste:
The circular economy within the meaning of [the Circular Economy Act] is the prevention and recycling of waste.

If we talk about the circular economy here in Germany, the correct term would be “circular economy”.
After all, we like to make life difficult for ourselves with unwieldy terms.

However, when the term “circular economy” is used at EU level (e.g. on the website of the EU Commission or EU Parliament), it always refers to the circular economy in the true sense of the word.

Why do we need a circular economy?

Global consumption of raw materials has tripled since 1970.
We live and do business as if we had unlimited resources at our disposal.
Earth Overshoot Day – the day on which all resources are used up globally for the year – is taking place earlier and earlier.

What is no longer needed is disposed of and replaced by something new.
And then it disappears from the scene for us.
But it ends up somewhere else.
Europe exports around 3,000,000 kilograms of plastic waste to countries in the Global South every day.
This is sometimes referred to as
“Garbage colonialism” labeled.
And it doesn’t stop with plastic.
Growing mountains of old clothes, scrap metal, batteries, tires – our waste is piling up in other parts of the world.

On top of this comes the extraction of ever more resources for products that are produced in abundance worldwide.
Far too often, extraction and production go hand in hand with environmental damage and the violation of human rights.

The CSRD and supply chain directives such as the LkSG, CSDDD, CBAM and EUDR are intended to gradually prevent the latter.
However, what we actually need is a new economic system that tackles the underlying problems at the root.

Curtain up for circular economy.

Linear Economy vs. Recycling Economy vs. Circular Economy – from the 3 Rs to the 10 Rs

Our current economic system is a one-way street.
It is therefore also known as
“linear economy”.
There are already initial attempts to counteract the high consumption of raw materials and the throwaway mentality.
The focus here is on
currently mainly on the so-called 3 Rs:

  • Reduce – Reduce use of resources and materials through greater efficiency in product manufacture/use
  • Reuse – Reuse of products that are still in good condition
  • Recycle – Reuse materials in products of the same or lower quality

This gives rise to the recycling economy.
However, recycling only puts a slight damper on things.
In the end, there is still far too much waste piling up in mountains of garbage.
Only 7.2 percent of our materials are reused after use.

Illustration, die Linear Economy, Recycling Economy und Circular Economy gegenüberstellt. Linear Economy führt direkt zur Mülltonne, bei Recycling Economy ist noch ein kleiner Umweg drin und bei Circular Economy dreht sich der Produktlebenszyklus im Kreis; es landet nichts im Müll

Circular Economy goes a big step further and relies on 10 R:

  • Reduce – Reduce use of resources and materials through greater efficiency in product manufacture/use
  • Reuse – Reuse of products that are still in good condition
  • Recycle – Reuse materials in products of the same or lower quality
  • Refuse Avoid overconsumption by optimizing or innovating products and eliminating products
  • Rethink – Rethinking product use and manufacturing processes
  • Repair – Repair and maintenance of defective/damaged products
  • Refurbish – Refurbishing discarded products so that they can still be used
  • Remanufacture – Reuse of product parts in new products with the same function
  • Repurpose – Reuse of product parts in new products with a different function
  • Recover – Burning materials with energy recovery
Tabelle mit den 10 R der Circular Economy

The European Commission also lists 7 very similar pillars of the circular economy:

  1. Sustainable supply chains
  2. Ecodesign of products and services
  3. Industrial and territorial ecology, i.e. cooperation and exchange between companies
  4. Functional economic organization; i.e. sharing the benefits of products with others instead of owning your own products
  5. Responsible consumption
  6. Extend product service life
  7. Recycle

So much for the theory.
Now you’re probably asking yourself: what will it all look like in practice?
After all, a lot has to change for the circular economy to become a reality.
We need new processes and more durable, fully recyclable materials.
Not to mention a change in mindset.

Circular economy in practice

Action plan for the circular economy and national circular economy strategy

As part of the Green Deal, the EU 2020 has “Action Plan for the Circular Economy”, which aims to achieve a “carbon-neutral, ecologically sustainable and pollutant-free circular economy” by 2050.
Initial measures such as the extension of ecodesign regulations, the right to repair and the Green Claims Directive are already in force.

Your overview of the new Green Claims Directive

With the Green Claims Directive, the EU now provides a clear framework for sustainability claims.
Get a clear overview of the new Green Claims Directive and its consequences for your company in this factsheet!

The “National Circular Economy Strategy (NKWS)” is based on the EU action plan.
This is intended to create a future framework strategy for measures and targets to implement a circular economy in Germany.
The German government is working closely with industry and society on this.

The overarching objectives of the NKWS are:

  • Climate protection
  • Protection of biodiversity
  • Reducing species extinction and environmental pollution
  • Securing the supply of raw materials
  • Reduce GHG emissions

Model Germany Circular Economy

As the NKWS is still a work in progress, WWF Germany, together with the Öko-Institut, Fraunhofer ISI and the FU Berlin, has developed a roadmap for the circular economy in Germany – the “Model Germany Circular Economy (MDCE)“.
This comprehensive paper shows which measures, political strategies, targets and instruments could be used to achieve a circular economy by 2045.

Here is an overview of the most important findings.

The advantages of a circular economy compared to business as usual

  • The supply situation is easing for 29 out of 36 critical raw materials, and for 9 raw materials more than 50 percent of Germany’s demand could be reduced or covered
  • A CO₂-equivalent savings of up to 26 percent (186 million tons) are possible
  • We need 27 percent less raw materials (179 million tons), total material consumption is down by 26 percent (329 million tons)
  • We need 30 percent less land (8.5 million hectares)
  • The MDCE scenario could also be used to reduce emissions that are difficult to avoid
  • The modeled circular economy would avoid 26 percent (147 billion euros) of the climate damage costs caused by direct emissions – with indirect emissions 10.7 billion euros

What is currently hindering the circular economy

  • Passing on environmental costs (externalization)
  • Lack of infrastructure for circular products and processes
  • Lack of investment (e.g. in research and development) for a circular economy
  • Lack of transparency with regard to the transfer of information and data in the value chains
  • Long-term path dependencies due to investments in linear technologies
  • Lack of common standards for circular products

5 key strategies for implementing a circular economy

  1. Reduce resource flows
  2. Substitute materials
  3. Slowing down resource flows
  4. Intensify product use
  5. Closing resource cycles with high quality

Consumers, companies and politicians share responsibility

The circular economy must be considered from two perspectives:

  1. Behavior-based solutions – sustainable design of consumption
  2. Technology-based solutions – on the technical and production side

The paper emphasizes that the necessary changes in behaviour do not lie solely with consumers.
Both approaches require
political and entrepreneurial need for action that goes far beyond information instruments and should be controlled by regulatory and market-based instruments.

10 guiding political principles for the success of the circular economy

  1. Prioritize absolute reduction of resource consumption
  2. Set binding resource targets along the lines of climate targets
  3. Shaping the structural change triggered by the circular economy with specific policy instruments
  4. Creating conviction for comprehensive CE in social alliances
  5. Understanding education and knowledge transfer as the key to transformation
  6. Setting incentives for a change in values in companies
  7. Expanding the state’s role model function in procurement
  8. Strengthening regional value chains in Germany
  9. Provide financing and research & development for the transformation to a circular economy
  10. Germany must assume greater international responsibility

Conclusion: We still have a long way to go!

Looking at our current economic model and the MDCE draft, it is clear that we still have a lot of work to do to achieve a truly sustainable transformation.
It can only succeed if we all – consumers, companies and politicians – work hand in hand.
Let’s get started!

Read more:

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  • Pragmatic all-in-one solution for ESG reporting, climate and supply chain management
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Schmelzender Eisberg im Wasser als Symbol für die Klimastrategie

Step by step to Net Zero: how to develop a climate strategy for your company

The climate strategy for your company is imminent. But how to start – and where? Read this article to find out how to develop a suitable strategy for targeted decarbonization step by step!

Sustainability has become more of a focus for society, politics and business in recent years.
With the Paris Climate Agreement, the European Green Deal and its various implementation strategies such as CBAM, the EU Climate Change Act, CSRD or CSDDD, there is a whole range of targets, goals and guidelines, including for climate protection.
Nevertheless, there are warnings that the current course is not enough and that we will crack the 1.5° mark sooner than feared.
So is it better to bury our heads in the sand because it won’t help anyway?
No – it is now all the more important that everyone gets involved.
Companies in particular have a responsibility here.
But how and where to start?
Here is a step-by-step guide to developing a decarbonization strategy for your company!

1. recognize the challenge: Tackling the climate strategy with the right motivation

55% of the German managers surveyed in a Capgemini study stated that In the next ten years, climate change will pose the greatest challenges for the business model.
Climate change is no longer just around the corner – it already has both feet in the hallway.
For the first companies, it has even arrived in the living room and is smashing the fine china in the display case.
This is because climate change has long since had an impact on the first supply chains and business models.
So the challenge is clear: develop strategies and plans to reduce your own company’s emissions. At VERSO, we think it’s important not only to recognize the challenge – but also to find the right motivation to get started in a focused way and to persevere.
So here’s a question for you: What is your motivation behind developing a climate strategy? Perhaps for you it’s the traditional regulatory pressure.
For example, because you are obliged by the CSRD to disclose your climate strategy.
But perhaps the matter is also close to your heart regardless of the law – because you can see the advantages of a climate strategy or because you want to future-proof your company.
You may also want to arm yourself against rising costs due to CBAM and EU emissions trading, meet the growing demand for sustainable products or strengthen your employer branding.
Whatever it is, a clear motivation brings commitment throughout the company and ensures that your decarbonization plan is not just based on dry numbers.

2. create a CO₂ balance sheet or GHG balance sheet: The basis of your climate strategy

But it doesn’t work entirely without dry figures.
Once the commitment has been clarified, the second step is to lay the foundations for your decarbonization strategy.
This first requires an inventory in the form of a carbon footprint.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol(GHG Protocol) provides you with guidance.
This is the most widely used standard for balancing greenhouse gas emissions.
Important when determining your emissions: Go really in-depth and get as much data as possible – from as many sources as possible!
How is your company structured?
What sources of emissions are there in your company?
Which of these sources are real emissions hotspots?
How many emissions are generated each year?
Work your way through your processes, products and activities step by step – right through to Scope 3.
Because even if it is easier to collect data for Scope 1 and Scope 2, Scope 3 emissions from the upstream and downstream value chain account for up to 80% of a company’s total emissions!
Tools such as our Climate Hub and Supply Chain Hub make it easier for you to record all climate data accurately and clearly.

Überblick zu den einzelnen Scopes: Scope 1 umfasst direkte Emissionen eines Unternehmens, Scope 2 umfasst indirekte Emissionen eines Unternehmens und Scope 3 umfasst alle Emissionen, die in der Wertschöpfungskette eines Unternehmens entstehen.

By the way: If you want to know even more precisely, you can balance all of your company’s greenhouse gas emissions.
In addition to CO₂, a complete GHG balance sheet includes six other gases with greenhouse gas potential – including methane and nitrous oxide, for example.

3. set targets for the decarbonization strategy

The status quo is ticked off.
Now the journey can begin.
But – where are we actually going?
The next step is to set clear climate targets for your company.
Preferably in SMARTform, of course:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Ambitious
  • Realistic
  • Scheduled

Be sure to involve your company’s stakeholders here – because setting targets over the heads of employees, which they ultimately have to implement, can quickly backfire.
Here is a short checklist for the goals of your climate strategy:

  • Our climate targets are science-based (support is provided, for example, by the SBTi sector guidelines)
  • Our climate targets support the 1.5° target of the Paris Climate Agreement
  • We have set a baseline year to benchmark our progress
  • We have agreed a clear timeframe for our climate targets

When planning your reduction targets, also differentiate between:

  • Long-term climate targets that go hand in hand with far-reaching structural changes in your company
  • Short-term climate targets with which your company can achieve initial success quickly
  • Absolute climate targets; i.e. quantitative targets to be achieved by time X
  • Relative climate targets; i.e. the CO₂ reduction depends on key figures such as the number of employees or production figures

4. plan measures to implement the climate strategy

You are aware of your company’s emissions and climate hotspots and have set yourself clear decarbonization targets. Unfortunately, targets alone do not slow down climate change.
So in step 4, it’s time to plan your strategy so that you can take action.
Here are four tips from our side:

  1. Involve important stakeholders here again in order to find as many approaches and levers as possible.
  2. External consultants are also worth considering – they can help you uncover hidden potential for reducing emissions.
  3. Make sure that the measures are feasible.
    No one is helped if you develop ambitious goals and radical measures that are unfortunately not compatible with reality.
  4. Get a picture of the maturity levels of your stakeholders.
    An example: In order to achieve the climate targets in the supply chain, suppliers should produce 100% with renewable energies.
    Supplier A has had sustainability on its agenda for a long time and fulfills this requirement with ease.
    Supplier B has not had much to do with sustainability so far, but wants to make the switch – your company can help here with training or support.

Is your procurement ready for ESG requirements?

Prepare yourself optimally for all new requirements with this checklist!

5. reduce emissions

If planned correctly, your climate strategy should work like a cycle: After the initial assessment with objectives and action planning, there is a “working phase” in which you let your measures take effect and pursue your goals.
After a year, you take stock and adjust your strategy to make it even more efficient.
The rule here is: good things take time.
If the decarbonization strategy is to have a real impact, it can run for ten years or longer in large companies with extensive processes and supply chains!

6. offset unavoidable emissions

Let’s be honest – CO₂ compensation is a controversial topic.
Some are in favor of it, others see it as greenwashing.
In principle, offsetting should really only be an option if you have fully exhausted all potential for reducing emissions.
If you decide to offset unavoidable emissions as part of your climate strategy, we would like to give you an important tip: Make use of reputable offsetting projects that

  1. are tailored to your company and
  2. whose effect is measurable.

The voluntary carbon market is not yet regulated by the state and is rather opaque.
Instead of legally binding criteria for validating carbon offsetting, there are only a number of private standards and registers with different quality criteria.
The result: major differences in quality within the climate protection projects on which the so-called CO₂ credits are based.
So take a close look.
In particular, Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) has already successfully (and publicly!) sued several times against compensation through forest projects and reforestation, for example because the estimated forest area could not compensate for the amount of CO₂ emitted or the project did not run long enough to keep up with the lifetime of CO₂ in the atmosphere.

7. optimize climate strategy – and communicate with pleasure!

We briefly touched on this a moment ago: The decarbonization strategy is not a one-off project.
Once it gets rolling, it will run for many, many years.
After all, we still have a long way to go with climate change.
And a lot can happen in those years.
Check progress regularly.
What is going according to plan, where is there a hitch, where is nothing happening at all?
Check whether you will achieve your goals within the agreed time frame.
Talk to your stakeholders about where there is still potential. And please evaluate honestly whether your current strategy is actually of any use to the stakeholder on whom everything ultimately depends: nature! Last but not least: mistakes are part of the process – just like celebrating successes.
Communicate your progress, but also openly admit where you may have misjudged.
Show what your company wants to achieve and where you want to make improvements. Transparency, honesty and commitment are the drivers of sustainable transformation!

Let’s find your way towards Net Zero

Alongside sustainability reporting, planning and implementing the climate strategy is one of the most time-consuming tasks.
Thousands of data points and emission factors from the entire value chain are included in the calculation of the carbon footprint.
Many of these are not directly available to you and must first be obtained.
If you want to carry out the calculation correctly (i.e. in line with international standards such as the GHG Protocol), you need insight and perseverance.
And then there are doubts like: Do our climate targets even make sense?
Are our measures having any effect?
Can I communicate this and that milestone for our product now, or will I be accused of greenwashing?

Your overview of the new Green Claims Directive

New obligations for all those who advertise with terms such as “climate neutral”: The Anti-Greenwashing Directive sets barriers.
What you should know now.

The first climate strategy in particular is a real challenge.
VERSO helps you to get started – and to implement your decarbonization plan safely in the long term.
Then take a look at how we can support you with your climate strategy:

* This information is summarized editorial content and should not be construed as legal advice. VERSO accepts no liability.

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  • Pragmatic all-in-one solution for ESG reporting, climate and supply chain management
  • Individual advice from the VERSO experts
  • Developed with expertise from 12+ years of sustainability management
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CO2-Bilanz, Klimaziele, Net-Zero: Hinter all diesen Begriffen steckt die Dekarbonisierungsstrategie bzw. die Klimastrategie von Unternehmen. Die ganzheitliche Erarbeitung einer solchen Strategie hat viele Vorteile. Welche Chancen dahinter stecken, lesen Sie hier.

5 advantages of a decarbonization strategy: Why it is important for companies

Carbon footprint, climate targets, net zero: behind all these terms lies the decarbonization strategy or the climate strategy of companies. The holistic development of such a strategy has many advantages. You can read about the opportunities behind it here.

Despite the Paris Climate Agreement, the Green Deal and national laws: The amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere continues to rise.
And industry is the second largest contributor to these emissions after the energy sector.
As a result, the pressure on companies to focus on their environmental performance, invest in climate protection and reduce their GHG emissions continues to grow.
You may already be facing requirements such as carbon footprinting, meeting climate targets or, more recently, a climate transition plan required by the CSRD.
All of these topics are part of the holistic climate strategy that we are talking about here.

Laut Umweltbundesamt wurden im Jahr 2023 in Deutschland die meisten Treibhausgasemissionen (CO2e) in den Sektoren Energiewirtschaft und Industrie ausgestoßen.

What is a decarbonization strategy?

A decarbonization strategy can be thought of as a cycle: It comprises six steps that you go through in sequence.
After the sixth step, you start again at number one.
With each step, you look at your challenges in more detail and continue to optimize your processes.
You can manage your goals, adapt measures, reduce emissions further and further – and get closer and closer to your Net Zero goal.
These are the 6 steps of the decarbonization strategy:

  1. Development and recognition of challenges
  2. Preparation of a greenhouse gas balance sheet to determine the status quo
  3. Definition of measurable climate targets and measures
  4. Reducing GHG emissions as far as possible
  5. Offsetting residual emissions through certified projects from e.g. Climate Grid
  6. Transparent communication of successes and potential for improvement

Before you go through the process for the first time, we recommend that you introduce a data and process management tool such as VERSO’s Climate Hub into your company.
Important for the decarbonization plan: The software should not only cover the calculation of the carbon footprint, but also enable proper climate management including KPI tracking, target tracking, creation of measures as well as internal and external collaboration options.

The 5 advantages of a decarbonization strategy

In 2023, the opinion research institute Forsa asked German SMEs that will fall under the new CSRD about their status quo with regard to sustainability and climate reporting: 52% are currently working on a climate strategy, 40% have already formulated a concrete strategy and 9% do not yet see a need for one.
We have here Five advantages that a climate strategy entails for your company:  

1. be prepared for regulatory pressure

In Germany and the EU, the laws resulting from the European Green Deal in particular are calling on companies to decarbonize and operate in a more environmentally conscious manner.
Examples of legal requirements:

  • The CSRD’s ESRS E1 reporting standard alone requires an entire climate transition plan – in addition to the carbon footprint and disclosure of specific climate targets.
  • The CSRD is also linked to the EU taxonomy, which requires companies to disclose how sustainable their business activities are according to strict criteria.
  • The CBAM will be of interest to companies that import goods from non-EU countries, as the CO2 border adjustment mechanism will in future oblige companies that import emission-intensive goods to purchase certificates to offset the emissions emitted.

At the latest when your company is affected by these regulations, you should have a decarbonization plan up your sleeve – otherwise legal consequences are possible.
However, there are also advantages to starting the project before the law takes effect.
You can then pay attention to limit values and risks as early as the target setting stage, collect the data required for legal compliance during data collection and have the relevant disclosure requirements ready in the right form.
This will save you stress and you will not be surprised by requirements that you cannot fulfill.  

2. avoid the risk of greenwashing accusations

Simply calling yourself “green” is a thing of the past.
With the Green Claims Directive the EU is specifying what is greenwashing and what is not.
Soon, companies will have to prove the accuracy of their environmental claims in a scientifically verified manner.
If they fail to do so, they will not only face damage to their image, but also real legal and financial consequences.
They are certainly not deliberately greenwashing – but it can easily happen unknowingly, as many greenwashing accusations originate from marketing activities that portray the company in too good a light.
This happens above all when the company’s sustainability data is not transparent.
However, transparent sustainability communication can succeed with a climate strategy: The number-based strategy, KPI tracking and carbon footprint allow you to communicate comprehensible facts, figures and targets.

Your overview of the new Green Claims Directive

With the Green Claims Directive, the EU now provides a clear framework for sustainability claims.
Get a clear overview of the new Green Claims Directive and its consequences for your company in this factsheet!

3. identify the risks and potential of climate issues

A decarbonization strategy can make a significant contribution to the future viability of your company.
It reveals risks and potential. Risks By collecting detailed data, you can identify risks that often go unnoticed in day-to-day business.
How much electricity do we actually consume?
Which bottlenecks in our production lead to increased CO2 consumption?
You receive figures and comparative values for areas where there was often little clarity before.
Identifying climate risks makes your overall risk management more meaningful.
It helps you to plan more reliably and calculate costs correctly. Potentials In addition, your potentials become visible, such as the environmental commitment of your suppliers, energy savings or the use of renewable energies.
You can measure progress and see which measures may have less impact than expected and where you can actually make a difference.
Ultimately, you can also save costs and increase your efficiency.  

4. advantages with stakeholders for loans, investments and tenders

If you have a decarbonization plan ready, you will make yourself popular with your stakeholders.
After all, they are increasingly asking about a company’s commitment to climate protection.
Which stakeholders are you talking about in particular?

  • Business partners in tenders: Other companies – especially OEMs – are also affected by statutory ESG requirements.
    As a result, they naturally do not want to take on any additional risk and also pay attention to ESG criteria in tenders.
    If you already have a solid decarbonization plan in place, this puts you in a better position in the tendering process.
  • Banks for loans: Banks also face ESG requirements.
    In practice, this means that your borrowing costs also depend on your ESG rating: Better rating, cheaper loan.
    And your strategy naturally has an impact on your rating.
  • Investors: The same applies here – investors also include ESG criteria in their investment ratings.
    With a decarbonization strategy, a lot of things can be ticked off the list.
    And not to forget: The strategy gives investors insights into your company’s potential and options for action.
    You can authentically demonstrate how you want to ensure the future viability of your company in harmony with the environment.
  • Customers: 79% of consumers change their purchasing behavior based on sustainability considerations(study by Capgemini).
    This means that you have a competitive advantage if you can make transparent how your company is committed to climate protection and decarbonization.
    Consumers now look closely at sustainability communication and are quickly suspicious of general sustainability claims.
    You score points with your climate strategy because you can also back up your communication with figures and transparently show your improvement potential and strategy.

5. strengthen supply and business relationships

Companies with which you have a business or supply relationship may also be affected by the CSRD or the German Supply Chain Act, the LkSG.
You now need ESG transparency throughout your supply chain – including climate and CO2 data.
With your climate strategy, you are already prepared for the questionnaires from your business partners.
If you have nothing to show, business relationships may be on the brink of collapse.

How VERSO supports you with your decarbonization strategy

If you want to take a strategic approach to decarbonization, we will be happy to support you: The VERSO Climate Hub, combined with the VERSO ESG Hub, enables you to achieve holistic climate management.
We are also happy to support you with our consulting team: many questions arise, especially in the first year of balancing or strategy development, and it takes some time to familiarize yourself with the topic.
We support you in integrating the processes in your company, in correctly preparing the first carbon footprint and in developing sensible targets, measures and strategies to reduce your emissions.
With this support, we enable you to subsequently implement your climate strategy on your own responsibility.
Does that sound like what you’re looking for?
Please feel free to contact us.

* This information is summarized editorial content and should not be construed as legal advice. VERSO accepts no liability.

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