Carbon footprint with VERSO

CO2 balance and climate strategy for your company

Is the CO2 balance due? With VERSO, you determine these in full, strictly in accordance with the GHG Protocol – and receive support for an effective climate strategy.

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How the VERSO Climate Hub guides you through the carbon footprint

Climate software

CO2 balance, emissions analysis and automatic climate report

Greenhouse gas data collection

Support with the collection of all your climate-relevant data

Effective climate strategy

Support on your “Mission Zero”: step by step towards a holistic climate strategy

Integration into the ESG strategy

Holistic view of your ESG strategy without a “carbon tunnel view”

What do I need to consider when calculating the carbon footprint for my company, products or events?

Does your company want to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions? Or even reduce emissions to zero in the long term? Your first step: a CO2 balance sheet. First, you determine the status quo and the largest sources of emissions. Depending on the challenges, the GHG emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, …) resulting from the consumption of your company processes (business trips, purchasing, electricity consumption, etc.) are recorded.

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Let’s find your way towards sustainability.

How do I create a carbon footprint for the sustainability report?

Companies are increasingly required by law to calculate their CO2 emissions and make their climate impact transparent in a climate strategy. But how do you calculate a company’s carbon footprint? With VERSO, it’s just two steps:

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Allocate emissions

Balance direct and indirect emissions from your company and the supply chain. Based on this, select Scope 1, 2 or 3.

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Bringing data together

Once entered into the software, the data now provides you with sound insights and is integrated directly into your sustainability report.

All your company’s climate data in one place

The VERSO CO2 calculator enables effective climate management. You can use it to create CO2 balances in accordance with the GHG standard for your company as well as for products and events. The detailed emissions analysis, simple measures management, clear emissions reduction targets and automatic climate reports support you in your climate strategy.

Dashboards give you a quick overview on the intuitive platform, the central storage of documents enables efficient teamwork and you always have all climate data in one place. In addition, our sustainability experts will advise you and the VERSO Academy will provide you with ongoing training.

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CO2 balance for a company (CCF)

The corporate carbon footprint (CCF), known in Germany as the CO2 footprint for short, comprises all of a company’s relevant greenhouse gas emissions. It is made up of the direct and indirect emissions of the entire organization, which are divided into three scopes. The GHG Protocol (Greenhouse Gas Protocol) and the DIN EN ISO 14064 Part I standard are the main standards used.

Scope I covers greenhouse gases that are emitted directly within the site under consideration. Examples include emissions from fossil fuels (gas, heating oil) or the company’s own vehicle fleet.

Scope II includes indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heat and cooling that a company procures within the period under review.

Scope III covers all upstream and downstream emissions along a company’s supply chain. Examples include purchased goods or raw materials, business trips and transportation.

CO2 balance for a product (PCF)

The so-called Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) is created for the CO2 balancing of products. You are calculating the CO2 footprint of a product, so to speak. This includes all significant greenhouse gas emissions that a product emits over its entire life cycle. The calculation includes the production of raw materials, transportation, processing, use of the product by the customer and disposal. The DIN EN ISO 14067 standard can be used to calculate a balance for the entire life cycle or for individual life cycle stages (partial PCF).

As with the CO2 balance for a company, all direct and indirect greenhouse gases in Scopes I to III are also considered in the product carbon footprint. Greenhouse gases from energy consumption, goods, raw materials and transportation, for example, can be directly attributed to the products. Emissions generated in the office, on business trips or by employees commuting can be allocated to the product on a pro rata basis.

CO2 balance for an event

In addition to a carbon footprint for your entire company or product, we also support you in planning and balancing your company or customer event (event carbon footprint). The aim here is to take suitable measures to organize and hold a climate-friendly event – in other words, to avoid and reduce emissions in advance. What cannot be avoided can be compensated for with VERSO through selected projects.

As early as the event planning stage, we advise you on how your company can keep greenhouse gas emissions as low as possible. Measures to reduce CO2 emissions include, for example, the choice of location, catering and travel.

The subsequent accounting of the event is based on the Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF). For example, the heated or air-conditioned area, the number of people and the distance traveled are taken into account.

A climate-friendly event can have a major impact both internally and externally. Your company shows employees, but also customers, partners and investors that you take the sustainable transformation seriously and want to implement it. It also provides an incentive for all participants to act responsibly.

Ready for your carbon footprint and climate strategy?

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Find out without obligation how you can plan an effective climate strategy with the VERSO Climate Hub and optional support from our experts.