Sustainability solutions at a glance

We guide you through sustainability

There is a solution for everything. Discover how VERSO can support you holistically with your ESG report, sustainability management, carbon footprint and supply chain.

Animation für das Text-Media-Element Animated planet mid Animated planet mini
Eine Frau erklärt einer anderen Frau etwas an deren Laptop

Create sustainability reports

Sustainability reporting is easy with VERSO. With our specialized CSR software, you can collect your data in one place – and VERSO will create a meaningful sustainability report for you in no time at all. In corporate design, as a website and as a pdf document. Without headaches and greenwashing accusations.

Lachender Mann vor einem LaptopAnimation für das Text-Media-Element

Climate data and CO2 calculation

Calculate the CO2 footprint of your company, products and events with the Climate Hub. Set yourself clear reduction targets and plan a clear climate strategy. Individual user roles enable your team to work together efficiently on the way to becoming a climate-neutral company.

Foto von einem Fluss im Wald aus der VogelperspektiveAnimation für das Text-Media-Element

Manage ESG data

CSR management can be complicated – but it doesn’t have to be. With specialized software, professional consulting and practice-oriented training, VERSO guides you step by step through ESG data management. Fulfill your CSRD obligation with VERSO and create full transparency on your way to becoming a sustainable company.

Lachende Frau mit LaptopAnimation für das Text-Media-Element

Enabling resilience in supply chains

Resilient supply chains despite dependence on raw materials and crises: With the VERSO Supply Chain Hub, you maintain a full overview of actual or potential ESG risks – right down to upstream supply chains. Find out in detail how you can implement the requirements of CSRD, LkSG and CSDDD along your supply chain with VERSO.

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Holistic solutions for effective sustainability management

Whether out of obligation or conviction: With VERSO, you can make your company’s sustainability organized, visible and usable. Our sustainability solutions incorporate more than 12 years of experience in sustainability management – saving you massive amounts of time and money in sustainability management, climate management and supply chain management.

And if you get stuck, our long-standing sustainability consultants will be on hand with help and advice.

Let’s find the best solution!

Foto vom VERSO Sales Team (rund)

Contact us to find the best way for the sustainable transformation of your company in a personal meeting!