VERSO Supply Chain Hub

Establishing sustainability in the supply chain and minimizing ESG risks

Sustainability in the supply chain? Becomes feasible with the VERSO Supply Chain Hub! Discover how you can achieve your sustainability goals for the supply chain efficiently and automatically

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100 %

LkSG- & CSDDD-compliant

> 100

Completed risk analyses of our customers

99.9 %


Melanie Binder, Rational

Die Supply Chain Plattform hat die Transparenz über unsere Lieferanten weiter erhöht. Das war ein großer Gewinn für uns.

Melanie Binder
ESG-Regulatorik bei RATIONAL
Foto Yvonne Löwenstein von Share

Wir haben uns für VERSO entschieden, weil die Plattform uns beim aktiven Management der Lieferkette hilft. Konkret vor allem dabei, Transparenz herzustellen, Lieferanten zu qualifizieren, Risiken zu analysieren und so unsere Sorgfaltspflichten umzusetzen und unsere Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen.

Yvonne Löwenstein
Head of Social Impact & Sustainability bei share
Michelle Dietrich, dennreee

Vor allem die einfache Umsetzung der Vorlieferkettentransparenz durch VERSO Supply Chain Hub hat uns beeindruckt. Mit der automatisierten Risikoanalyse und dem professionellen Support können wir die Anforderungen des LkSG und auch andere Regularien effizient erfüllen.

Michelle Dietrich
Produktmanagement bei dennree
Foto Steffen Richter von Siegenia

Mit der VERSO Supply Chain Plattform haben wir eine Lösung gefunden, um mit Lieferanten zu den richtigen Themen in den Austausch zu gehen und Veränderungen in der Lieferkette zu bewirken.

Steffen Richter
Leitung Strategischer Einkauf bei Siegenia
Foto Dr. Sandra Wolf von Riese & Müller

Die Partnerschaft mit VERSO ist ein wichtiger Schritt, um einen ganzheitlichen Überblick über unsere internationale Supply Chain zu erhalten und Transparenz bis in die Tiefe der komplexen Liefer- und Wertschöpfungskette herzustellen.

Dr. Sandra Wolf
CEO bei Riese & Müller
Julia Meisel, dennree

Dank des VERSO Supply Chain Hub hatten wir in kürzester Zeit nahezu alle unserer Lieferanten an Bord und haben nun eine aussagekräftige Risikoanalyse vorliegen. Die gewonnene Transparenz in der Lieferkette bildet eine solide Basis für langfristige Partnerschaften und nachhaltige Maßnahmen.

Julia Meisel
Teamleitung Stammdaten – Projekt- und Prozessmanagement Bereich Ware bei dennree

    Manage ESG risks in your supply chain – with the 360° solution from VERSO

    With our supply chain law platform, you can fulfill regulatory requirements such as LkSG and CSDDD and improve sustainability in your supply chain. The VERSO Supply Chain Hub makes it possible to automatically analyze risks across the entire supplier base right down to the upstream supply chain, develop targeted measures and comply with reporting obligations.

    Through standardized and legally compliant assessments on over 15 ESG topics, you create transparency and efficiently establish measures with your suppliers. The automatic scoring shows you at a glance how your suppliers are positioned. Together, you can take measures to improve and achieve your climate goals. With the VERSO Supply Chain Hub, you are ideally equipped to make your supply chain sustainable and compliant.

    Core features of the VERSO Supply Chain Hub

    • Automated risk analysis of the supplier base
    • Automated collection of self-assessments for over 15 ESG topics
    • Documentation of measures
    • Supply chain mapping for multi-tier transparency
    • LkSG conformity confirmed by Taylor Wessing
    • Seamless integration into IT system landscape via REST API
    • Free of charge for suppliers in 4+ languages
    • Maximum data security with ISO 27001 certification

    Meet legal ESG requirements for the supply chain

    Focus on 100% of your supplier base and analyze it for potential risks. For comprehensive supply chain management, the VERSO Supply Chain Hub enables you to perform an ESG risk assessment based on country of domicile and industry using 20+ risk indices.

    The end-to-end risk analysis with our supply chain law platform covers all the necessary steps of the LkSG so that you can implement the regulatory requirements holistically, securely and conveniently. The LkSG conformity of our solution was confirmed by an expert opinion from the renowned law firm Taylor Wessing.

    The risk analysis function of our software also fulfills the requirements of the CSRD, EUDR and CSDDD. The VERSO Supply Chain Hub also supports the establishment of preventive and corrective measures as well as automated documentation and reporting to the BAFA.

    Screenshot aus der Sustainabill Supply Chain Plattform: Lieferantenkarte Interface Detail

    Obtain information from suppliers

    With VERSO you create transparency at all stages of your supply chain. Automated self-assessments cover all relevant sustainability requirements and make it easy to obtain information on over 15 topics such as environmental protection, occupational safety and responsible procurement. The query is carried out under the highest data protection and security standards – certified in accordance with ISO 27001. Suppliers can share their company profile with any number of customers on the platform, which drastically reduces the workload.

    • Provided assessments are crucial for ESG evaluations and risk analyses (§5 LkSG), support the implementation of preventive measures (§6 LkSG) and meet the highest standards according to UN Guiding Principles and Greenhouse Gas Protocol
    • Automatic evaluation of your suppliers’ responses and visualization in the dashboard
    • Comprehensive visualization and evaluation thanks to graph technology
    • Reporting functions for the creation of qualified reports in accordance with GRI or CSRD specifications for top management and external reporting (e.g. for authorities)
    Screenshot aus der Sustainabill Supply Chain Plattform

    Achieving climate targets

    Over 80 % of companies’ CO2 emissions come from the supply chain. This means that the supply chain is crucial to achieving your Net Zero targets. With the VERSO Supply Chain Hub, you can easily gain insights into your suppliers’ climate protection efforts and identify emission hotspots. Accurately record your suppliers’ carbon footprints and emissions data and efficiently implement reduction measures and climate protection targets in accordance with SBTi for the supply chain.

    Together with your suppliers, you are taking a decisive step towards Net Zero. Create a solid database for supply chain reduction reporting and easily meet regulatory requirements such as CSRD and CBAM.

    • Implement climate targets of your supply chain according to SBTi
    • Creating transparency about your suppliers’ climate protection efforts and targets
    • Effortlessly integrate CO2 data from the supply chain into your reporting
    Screenshot aus der Sustainabill Supply Chain Plattform: Climate Action Interface Detail

    Memberships and awards

    VERSO is a proud member and network partner of a number of associations that are committed to sustainable business practices. Our platform for sustainability and supply chain risk management is hosted and made in Germany and is verifiably secure with ISO 27001 certification.

    Logos von Mitgliedschaften und Siegel in Bezug auf Supply-Chain

    Would you like to find out more?

    Arrange a free, no-obligation appointment to get to know our software.

    Reasons for the VERSO Supply Chain Hub at a glance

    VERSO combines leading technology and sustainability expertise. The supply chain platform makes supply chain management pragmatic and scalable. The platform covers all relevant sustainability requirements.

    Download feature list


    Implement sustainability requirements – e.g. from LkSG and CSRD – efficiently and manage ESG risks holistically.


    Automated evaluation of your supplier data for fast and efficient implementation of current and future regulatory requirements.

    Legally compliant

    The legal conformity of the VERSO Supply Chain Platform was audited by the renowned law firm Taylor Wessing.

    Made in Germany

    Highest data security (ISO 27001). Certified and hosted in Germany. Full control over your own data for you and your suppliers.

    What our customers appreciate about us

    Questions and answers about the VERSO Supply Chain Hub

    How long does the implementation take?

    VERSO is a cloud-based software. There is therefore no complex implementation process. You will receive your login and can get started straight away. VERSO is intuitive to use. If you do have any questions, the information in our helpdesk and our team will help you.

    What interfaces does the VERSO Supply Chain Platform offer?

    Thanks to our transparently documented RestfulAPI, you can easily integrate our platform into your procurement processes and connect your IT landscape quickly and easily. Benefit from flexible CSV exports and imports of all data points in the platform and from our experts’ many years of experience in system integration. Please feel free to contact us.

    How is the platform accepted by suppliers?

    Acceptance is very high. It is free, intuitive and easy for your suppliers to use. Technical terms are explained throughout to maximize the response rate of your surveys. Further advantages are the multilingualism of the entire platform and the ability to share the profile or data with any number of customers.

    Which regulatory requirements for the supply chain can I fulfill with the VERSO Supply Chain Platform?

    The Supply Chain Duty of Care Act (LkSG), the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU Supply Chain Directive (CSDD) and the EU Deforestation Directive (EUDR).

    Book your demo!

    Foto vom VERSO Sales Team (rund)

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