Whitepapers, factsheets, webinars


Here you will find our free white papers, factsheets and practical guides as well as recordings of our webinars. From the LkSG webinar to the CSRD white paper – with our support your life as an ESG officer will be easier.

CSRD Readiness Check

Are you already affected by the CSRD in 2025?

The CSRD will apply from 2024. Up to 15,000 companies in Germany will then have to submit a sustainability report. But who exactly is affected? The information is confusing at first glance. Find out in just a few minutes with our readiness check!

What does it mean if you are affected?

  • You will be required to provide much more detailed ESG information than before
  • The sustainability report should also be part of the annual report
  • Your report must be based on the principle of double materiality
  • You may be bound by a mandatory framework (ESRS)
  • The sustainability report is audited
CSRD Readiness Check

All resources at a glance

Green Claims Directive at a glance

Read our whitepaper to find out about the obligations and to-dos your company needs to follow according to the new Anti-Greenwashing Directive!

Download now (German only)

ESRS checklist

Find out how to collect the disclosure requirements and data points relevant to your ESRS report.

Download now (German only)

Checklist: ESG requirements for purchasing

With this checklist, you will be perfectly prepared for ESG requirements.

Download now (German only)

Webinar: Implementing the LkSG and BAFA requirements with software support

Find out how you can successfully fulfill the LkSG and the current requirements of the BAFA, in particular the risk analysis, the preventive and corrective measures as well as the complaints procedure and also the documentation and reporting obligations.

Download now (German only)

LkSG for SMEs – simple implementation of complaints procedures

Learn from Dr. Thomas Altenbach, CEO of LegalTegrity, and Klaus Wiesen, Head of Sustainable Supply Chain at VERSOl, how you can use LegalTegrity’s digital whistleblowing system and the VERSO Supply Chain Platforms (formerly: sustainabill Cloud Platform) to implement the complaints procedure efficiently and BAFA-compliant.

Download now (German only)

Implementing the LkSG with legal certainty – lessons learned for SMEs

Find out how you can implement the Supply Chain Act in a pragmatic and compliant manner in small and medium-sized companies.

Download now (German only)

Factsheet CBAM

Find out in this factsheet whether you are affected by CBAM, which exemptions apply and how to prepare for your first CBAM report.

Download now (German only)

Risk management in the supply chain

Find out how you can implement the requirements of the Supply Chain Act in a future-proof manner through digitalization and collaboration.

Download now (German only)

Factsheet on important sustainability standards

An overview of important standards such as DNK, GRI, ISO 14001 and many more.

Download now (German only)

Book a demo!

Register now to arrange a free demo appointment and get to know our solutions at first hand.

  • Pragmatic all-in-one solution for ESG reporting, climate and supply chain management
  • Individual advice from the VERSO experts
  • Developed with expertise from 12+ years of sustainability management
  • Trusted by 250+ customers

Get to know the software!