VERSO Career

Join us to make
the economy more sustainable

Become part of Team VERSO and join us on our mission. Support companies in their transformation to sustainability.

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Foto vom VERSO Team fröhlich

Become a change maker

Our mission gives deep meaning to what we do. At VERSO we are playing a small part in bringing the world back into balance in some areas: climate change and social injustice are just two of many keywords.

Our enthusiasm for technology is our starting point. We consistently develop products that support our customers in fulfilling their role as a responsible part of society.

VERSO – trust (Vertrauen), honesty (Ehrlichkeit), respect (Respekt), self-reflection (Selbstreflexion) and openness (Offenheit). These are the core values of our Team Contract. At our company, they are not only on the picture hanging on the wall, but shape our corporate culture every day.

Sustainable Growth

We are a fast-growing company where we welcome people who appreciate the right mix of clearly defined goals and the freedom to create. In addition, we want to work and grow together in the long term and attach great importance to a sustainable way of working.

Innovation & Impact

We are a team of innovative minds with a strong drive for implementation. We strive to make a positive difference and know that continuous learning and strong self-management are essential to achieve this. This is how we keep surpassing ourselves.

Open corporate culture

We welcome everyone who is passionate about sustainability and wants to contribute their skills. We are open to all change makers, regardless of origin, sex, gender, religion, age, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation or disability. We expect the same openness and understanding towards all team members from our employees.

Transparent communication

A strong feedback culture is important to us. Retros after completed projects are part of our work. The same goes for brief personal check-ins at the start of meetings. In doing so, we want to ensure that any potential dissatisfaction can be addressed and clarified straight away and that we show consideration for each other if someone is not having such a good day.

Trust and personal responsibility

We focus on healthy working hours based on trust. But your time management is not the only thing left to your autonomy: your ideas are always welcome – after all, that’s why we brought you into our team. Mutual trust and support create enormous development opportunities for everyone who comes on board today. In terms of work content, with regard to your own career, but also very personally.

Flexible home office arrangement

You can work flexibly at VERSO. For us, remote-first doesn’t mean that you can only work from home: We have offices in Munich, Hamburg, Berlin and Cologne, where you are welcome to come work with colleagues any time. Do you prefer to work at home or in a co-working space? We leave the decision up to you.

Team spirit at

Although our team is spread all over Germany, we have a strong team spirit. We want to cultivate the spirit by meeting with the whole team at least twice a year at the two-day offsite. This is where we plan the next few months, have time for in-depth discussions and create shared experiences. In addition, decentralized team offsites and events are held regularly.

Working sustainably

We not only care about a sustainable economy – we also care about a sustainable way of working. That’s why we have a Sustainable Work Code in which we have defined the principles according to which we want to work. To treat ourselves and our colleagues responsibly. To feel comfortable in our work. To achieve great results in the long term.

Agile working methods (scrum, sprints)

We are driven by ambitious goals and a strong focus on success. We think entrepreneurially and do everything we can to grow quickly and in a healthy way. Agile working methods such as scrum or sprints help us to achieve this. Depending on the team, we work with different methods and tools. We are constantly evaluating our processes in order to make our work as effective and agile as possible.

Does that align with your idea of collaboration?

Become part of our team – apply to VERSO

Motivated, solution-oriented people are the key to our success. We are convinced of this. Are you also motivated to pursue a meaningful mission with us? Becoming part of the solution to all the problems in the world? Are our values also your values?

Apply for a job with us: Team VERSO continues to grow.

And even if you can’t find the perfect position for your skillset right now: We do not advertise many of our positions, but fill them directly through our talent pool. Introduce yourself there!

Lächelnde Frau erklärt einem Mann und einer Frau etwas
Animation für das Text-Media-Element

Our People team looks forward to getting to know you

Our People team will support you from the beginning to the end of your application process. Whether your questions are technical, about the work culture, contracts, requirements, expectations – they are always available to answer you. You already have a question on the tip of your tongue? Then you can contact the team directly here.

People Team von VERSO: Luwam Tedro und Mona Animation für das Text-Media-Element

Your application process at VERSO

The application processes differ slightly in all teams. Nevertheless, there are certain parts that are particularly important to us. For example, our Cultural Interview. This process is not about technical matters, but about working together as a team. In this way, you and we can find out whether we are surfing on the same wavelength.

If you apply to us, we will go through these steps together:

  • Functional Screening
  • Cultural Check
  • Specialist or Case interview
  • Get to know your future supervisor
  • Team interview

Our awards as an employer

We are pleased to be able to offer our employees a workplace where they feel comfortable, can develop and flourish and do meaningful work. We are all the more pleased when this is passed on and recognized by others. That’s why the awards we have received as an employer make us particularly proud.

Auszeichnungen: VERSO ist Arbeitgeber der Zukunft und Top Company 2ß24

Sustainable benefits at VERSO

We believe it is important to actively contribute to the work-life balance of our employees. That’s why we also offer our team benefits both inside and outside of work. However, it is important to us that these are in line with our corporate values. We attach great importance to sustainability. In our health, in our lifestyle, in our work. You will profit from our benefits in the long term.

mylo Jobrad

A subscription model for your dream bike. You can use it for commuting to work, but also for private cycling adventures.

EGym Wellpass

Sustainable working also requires health. We support you in pursuing a healthy lifestyle outside of work.


We want to support companies that offer sustainable products. Here you can benefit from sustainable products in the form of discount codes.

Continuous learning

We are always happy to support further training. In addition, we all want to be ESG professionals. That’s why you have free access to the VERSO Academy and our webinars.

Flexible working hours and locations

In the home office or in the office in Munich, Cologne and Hamburg. Manage your time with a healthy balance instead of self-exploitation.

Team offsites

To ensure that we remain a strong team, we meet regularly offsite. With time for strategy, discussions and fun.

Our office locations

You can choose where you want to drive the sustainable transformation with us. Work from home, but feel free to drop by one of our three offices!

Our office locations are:

Hamburg: Glockengießerwall 26, 20095 Hamburg
Cologne: Im Mediapark 5, 50670 Cologne
Munich: Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1, 80992 Munich

Office-Standorte von VERSO

Have we kindled the fire for VERSO in you?

Are none of the job listings suitable? Send us an unsolicited application!