Blog Fahrradbranche Lieferkette

Compliance in the supply chain: How the bicycle industry is mastering the task

Sustainability regulatory obligations are increasing and compliance in the supply chain is becoming ever more important. Read our article to find out how companies fullfil the ESG requirements for the supply chain and how VERSO specifically supports the bicycle industry in this task.

The economy is undergoing a profound change. More and more companies are integrating sustainability into their business models. This topic is also becoming increasingly important in the bicycle industry – especially in relation to the supply chain, as this is where the greatest risks and the greatest impact of bicycle manufacturers lie.

Two factors play a key role. Firstly, many companies are launching sustainable initiatives to improve their environmental footprint. This enables them to generate business value and Competitive advantages.

On the other hand, regulatory pressure is growing – including throughtheCSRD reporting obligation, the CO2-border-adjustment mechanism CBAM and the EUDR regulation for deforestation-free supply chains. Compliance with sustainability requirements is becoming mandatory.

CSRD, EUDR and CBAM: New requirements for compliance in the supply chain

There are numerous new requirements in the area of sustainability that also affect the bicycle industry. The CSRD, the EU directive on sustainability reporting, plays a major role. Companies have to provide extensive ESG information – and not only consider their own company, but also the supply chain. We have summarised what exactly is required in our blog post „CSRD and the supply chain”. However, the industry is also confronted with new obligations arising from the use of certain raw materials. For example, companies are subject to the EUDR because rubber is used for bicycle tyres. By using CO2-intensive materials such as aluminium or steel, companies may also be affected by CBAM. Both regulations include an assessment of certain raw materials as well as a documentation and reporting obligation. Those who create transparency here and thus address the risks identified have created the basis for fulfilling almost all requirements and compliance in the supply chain.

Compliance in the supply chain: the challenge of a complex supply chain

Cycling is – apart from walking – the most environmentally friendly form of transport: emission-free, quiet, efficient and climate-friendly. However, this only applies to pedalling. When it comes to the production of bicycles, especially e-bikes, the balance is somewhat different.

In addition to emissions – including CO2-intensive materials – the use of high-risk materials also plays a role. “Raw materials for motors, electronics and batteries are associated with major sustainability risks,” explains Klaus Wiesen, Head of Sustainable Supply Chain at VERSO. In addition, the bicycle industry often has complex supply chains. This makes it all the more important to create transparency with regard to these issues and reduce risks.

The complexity of the supply chain results from the large number of players involved in the production of the numerous components of a bicycle or e-bike. These players are distributed internationally, which results in different framework conditions and long transport routes.

Compared to conventional bicycles, e-bikes bring additional challenges. New technologies and raw materials for the drive and battery have become relevant in production. Here, bicycle manufacturers are competing with industries such as the IT sector, with which they previously had little contact.

CSRD and supply chain: these disclosures are required

The CSRD obliges companies to provide extensive information on the supply chain. Find out what information is required and what opportunities and risks arise from the EU directive.

The growing importance of transparency and data management

“Transparency in the supply chain is the key to complying with current and future regulations,” emphasises Klaus Wiesen. Many VERSO customers have voluntarily established corresponding processes before they are obliged to do so by regulations such as the Supply Chain Act (LkSG).

Riese Müller is a pioneer in the bicycle industry and aims to be the most sustainable company in the e-bike sector by 2025. With the VERSO Supply Chain Hub the company creates the necessary transparency in the supply chain and promotes its suppliers in terms of sustainability. Riese Müller is also improving risk management and supply chain mapping to ensure compliance in the supply chain.

However, not all companies in the bicycle industry are that advanced. A key problem is the collection and management of data along the supply chain. Smaller manufacturers in particular have some catching up to do.

“Many companies have hardly collected any structured data, which now presents them with considerable challenges if they want to fulfil the requirements of CSRD, CBAM, EUDR and other regulations,” says Klaus Wiesen. This is where VERSO comes in and offers solutions to support companies in realigning their processes and fulfilling the requirements.

Compliance in the supply chain: benefiting from the network

VERSO is the bicycle industry’s leading platform for sustainability in the supply chain. Their customers include German companies such as Riese Müller as well as international manufacturers – for example from the Netherlands, Switzerland and the USA.

“As there is a large overlap in the supplier base in the bicycle industry, our customers benefit from the networks created and stored in our software,” explains Klaus Wiesen. All customers also benefit from learning effects from previous projects. VERSO integrates new regulations into its software at an early stage to ensure future compliance in the supply chain.

EUDR: Everything you need to know

The EU regulation for deforestation-free supply chains (EUDR) aims to prevent the ongoing deforestation of forests. In our article, we answer the most important questions about the EUDR.

Leveraging supply chain ompliance as a chance for the bicycle industry

The regulations are not only associated with additional tasks. They also open up new opportunities for companies.

One example is risk management. Companies in the bicycle industry have suffered particularly badly from supply bottlenecks in the past. Resilience in the supply chain has therefore become an important issue. By identifying risks (e.g. political instability, natural disasters or human rights violations), a company can take measures to minimize or avoid the impact of these risks. This ensures robust supply chains.

Bicycle manufacturers’ customers often attach great importance to sustainability. Those who fulfill the compliance requirements show that their company takes responsibility for ethical and environmentally friendly standards in the supply chain. This creates trust, provides a competitive advantage and contributes to the long-term success and good reputation of the brand.

Avoiding reputational damage and penalties also plays a role. Companies that do not fulfill their regulatory obligations must expect sanctions. We have summarised possible penalties in the blog post Sanctions at a glance: The cost of mistakes in reporting and implementing sustainability” for an easy overview.

Holistic sustainability management at VERSO

In order to fulfill the requirements, companies should prepare for the new regulations at an early stage. Thanks to our expertise in the bicycle industry (among others) VERSO is the ideal partner. “With the VERSO Supply Chain Hub we have been supporting our customers for years with transparency in the supply chain and the fulfillment of their due diligence obligations. Our software solution enables optimized preparation for current and future regulations,’ emphasizes Klaus Wiesen.

The supply chain harbors the greatest risks and has the greatest impact in the bicycle industry. However, a holistic view of a company is necessary, particularly with regard to CSRD. This includes the upstream and downstream value chain as well as the company’s own business activities. VERSO offers an all-in-one solution here.

With the VERSO ESG Hub you can collect all relevant data and create a meaningful sustainability report. With the Climate Hub the corporate carbon footprint is calculated and a climate strategy is mapped. The VERSO sustainability experts will support you throughout the entire process. Furthermore, you can gain additional know-how about sustainability in our VERSO Academy courses.

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  • Pragmatic all-in-one solution for ESG reporting, climate and supply chain management
  • Individual advice from the VERSO experts
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CSRD und Lieferkette - Was der Einkauf beachten muss

CSRD and supply chain: What purchasing needs to consider

The CSRD with its ESRS standards is not only a lot of work, it also has a major impact on companies: This is because you have to make extensive ESG disclosures – and not only look at your own company, but also at the supply chain. Read here what purchasing departments need to consider and what opportunities and risks arise from the EU directive.

The CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) has applied to the first companies since January 2024, and others are gradually being added.
Ultimately, around 50,000 companies in Europe will be obliged to publish a report with comprehensive information on ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues.
The ESRS, the European Sustainability Reporting Standards, were also introduced with the CSRD.
For the first time in the EU, they provide a standardized framework for the preparation of a sustainability report – in simple terms: which ESG information is required and in what form it must be reported.
It is important to note that the reporting obligation not only relates to the company itself, but also extends to the entire value chain. In this blog post, we look at the upstream value chain – i.e. the supply chain.
And this is where companies subject to CSRD reporting requirements can quickly run into problems: they need a lot of information from their suppliers and the data situation is often inadequate – according to the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Sustainability Transformation Monitor 2024.
With VERSO, you can master this challenge.
Our Supply Chain Hub creates transparency in the supply chain and enables you to analyze risks, develop targeted measures and comply with reporting obligations.
We will now take a closer look at these disclosure requirements within the framework of the CSRD and the impact on purchasing.

Implement LkSG with legal certainty

Our webinars are also available on demand: In this episode, you will learn how companies can implement the Supply Chain Act in a legally compliant manner and pragmatically fulfill the BAFA requirements – with practical lessons for SMEs.

CSRD and supply chain: What needs to be reported?

The CSRD demands a lot from companies: the ESRS comprises around 1150 data points and over 100 of these relate to the supply chain.
Purchasing is therefore an important player in the reporting process.
The information involved can be roughly summarized as follows: The ESG report must contain information on environmental and social IROs (impacts, risks and opportunities) in the supply chain as well as measures related to the IROs.
If your company is affected by the LkSG, you will probably recognize some disclosure requirements and can realize synergies: This is because some BAFA requirements overlap with the ESRS.

Bei den ESRS gibt es sektorunabhängige Standards und sektorspezifische Standards. Die Sektorunabhängigen Standards teilen sich in die Bereiche Allgemeines, Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung. Die Allgemeinen Standards sind verpflcihtend für alle Unternehmen, die Themenstandards sind je nach doppelter Wesentlichkeit berichtspflichtig oder nicht.

But what does this mean in detail?
To answer this question, let’s take a closer look at some ESRS standards and clarify how they relate to the supply chain.  

ESRS E1 – the climate protection standard

The name says it all: ESRS E1 is about climate protection – in your company and in your supply chain. Your company must therefore not only disclose its own greenhouse gas emissions, but also the CO2 emissions in the upstream and downstream value chain – i.e. in Scope 3. Incidentally, the majority of companies generate the most emissions in this category.
E1 also requires companies to set themselves climate targets.
Transparency about the targets and measures of their own suppliers is crucial in this respect.  

ESRS E5 – Resource utilization and circular economy

The supply chain naturally plays an important role in ESRS E5, as many resources are obtained or processed here.
For example, the CSRD asks for:

  • Measures to avoid the generation of waste
  • Resource utilization
  • Measures to promote the circular economy
  • Cooperation or initiatives to improve the recyclability of products and materials


ESRS S2 – Workforce in the value chain

The fact that the ESRS S2 also relates to the supply chain and entails disclosure obligations is already in the name, so to speak.
Among other things, the CSRD is concerned here with how your company fulfills the due diligence obligations.
This means How do you
Ensure compliance with human rights, labor standards andgood working conditions at suppliers ?The CSRD does not require much more than the LkSG. You should also show whether there is a complaints management or whistleblower system for workers in the supply chain, how you handle complaints and resolve any problems raised.  

ESRS S3 – Affected communities

The ESRS S3 addresses the impacts that your company’s operations, products or services, and upstream and downstream value chains have on “affected communities”.
This refers to people and groups who live or work in the same area as a company.
The standard also explicitly refers to impacts on indigenous peoples.
Impacts can arise, for example, from truck transportation, the extraction of raw materials or controversial land use.  

ESRS G1 – Company policy

With regard to the supply chain, your company must
ESRS G1, your company must disclose the following:

  • Management of relationships with suppliers, payment practices, in particular with regard to late payments to small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Strategies for detecting and preventing corruption and bribery, including training for suppliers

However, you do not have to provide information on every standard in your CSRD report.
This depends on whether a topic is material for your company.
VERSO offers you an AI-supported materiality analysis here.
In our white paper “All information on the ESRS” you will also find further detailed information on the European standards, in particular on the transition periods.

Is your purchasing department ready for the ESG requirements?

Companies are now affected by a large number of sustainability requirements – and purchasing is no exception.
Use our checklist to find out whether your purchasing organization is optimally prepared for ESG requirements.

CSRD and the supply chain: opportunities and risks for procurement

The CSRD is a major challenge – we can’t hide that and we don’t want to.
With almost 1200 data points, ESRS reporting is a mammoth task.
It is complex and resource-intensive.
But with the right support, you can manage it – we will be happy to assist you with the sustainable transformation.
What’s more, the CSRD doesn’t just end with a sustainability report.
The fact that your company is systematically addressing the issue of sustainability opens up great opportunities.
The double materiality analysis and reporting will make opportunities and risks in the supply chain more visible.
This enables your company to address these in a targeted manner.
Sustainability requirements can trigger innovations, such as the use of environmentally friendly materials or the optimization of logistics processes.
Many customers also tell us that the reporting process has enabled them to get to know their suppliers even better.
The increased transparency ensures better and more sustainable supply chain practices.
By working closely together, you strengthen long-term partnerships and thus improve the stability and efficiency of the supply chain.
The reporting process promotes digital development.
Software specialized in CSRD, LkSG and CBAM requirements helps monitor the supply chain and ensures compliance with legal requirements.
It can collect and process the necessary large volumes of data.

Risk management for sustainability in the supply chain

In our white paper, you will learn how to implement the requirements of the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG) in a future-proof manner through digitalization and collaboration.

How does CSRD influence purchasing and the supply chain?

CSRD has a major impact on purchasing and requires a high degree of transparency and responsibility.
Your company must collect and provide detailed information and comply with legal due diligence obligations in relation to environmental and social standards.
This includes a new assessment in the purchasing process to ensure that suppliers comply with sustainability requirements.
So you need to be even more careful about who your company does business with.
Teamwork is also required when it comes to climate change.
Climate change and extreme weather will affect us all.
That’s why we need to act together to slow down climate change and reduce its impact.
Climate protection measures must not stop at the gates of your own company: Together with your suppliers, you can implement initiatives that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
You can find specific tips for decarbonizing your supply chain in the blog post “Why is climate protection in the supply chain relevant?”.  

How VERSO supports you in implementing the CSRD

VERSO offers you the all-in-one package for implementing the CSRD.
The EU directive makes the topic of sustainability in the supply chain even more relevant, as companies must now also report robustly on sustainability activities in the supply chain.
The VERSO Supply Chain Hub helps procurement to record the necessary data in the supply chain, monitor suppliers and provide the required reporting key figures with minimal effort.
We round off the package for implementing your CSRD obligations with additional software solutions and consulting services.
With VERSO, you can carry out an AI-supported materiality analysis.
In the ESG Hub, you collect all relevant data and create a meaningful sustainability report.
The Climate Hub supports you with your carbon footprint and decarbonization strategy.
And in the VERSO Academy, you will acquire the necessary knowledge about CSRD and ESRS.

* This information is summarized editorial content and should not be construed as legal advice. VERSO accepts no liability.

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LKW auf einer Landstraße als Symbolbild für die Lieferkette

Why is climate protection relevant in the supply chain?

In this blog post, we take a look at why climate protection is also a high priority in the supply chain from two perspectives. You will also find specific tips for decarbonizing your supply chain.

LkSG and CSDDD – when you hear these terms, the first thing that comes to mind is human rights due diligence in the supply chain, such as fair working conditions and protection against slavery.
Climate protection?
Perhaps only a second thought.
However, it should definitely not be neglected in the sustainable transformation of supply chains.
After all, this is where the majority of a company’s emissions are generated.
And that has consequences.
In this blog post, we take a look at why climate protection in the supply chain is also a high priority from two perspectives.
You will also find specific tips for decarbonizing your supply chain.

Climate protection in the supply chain – because it is required by law

The first reason is quite banal: Climate protection must be taken into account because it is quite simply imposed on certain companies by law.
The basis for current sustainability legislation is the Paris Climate Agreement.
With this agreement, almost 200 countries have committed themselves to the global 1.5° target and the reduction of emissions, among other things.
The Paris Climate Agreement is the basis for the European Green Deal a strategy with which the EU aims to become climate-neutral by 2050.
A whole range of strategies have been planned for its implementation.
The most important of these for purchasing are the German Climate Protection Act (GHG neutrality by 2045), the EUDR (deforestation-free supply chains), the CSDDD (EU supply chain law) and the CSRD (sustainability reporting).
Added to this is the “Fit for 55”-package, which aims to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 55% by 2030. This results, among other things, in the CBAM (CO2 tax) and a reform of EU emissions trading. In addition, Germany has introduced the LkSG which was developed on the basis of the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights.

Darstellung: Auf dem Pariser Klimaabkommen bauen die meisten der aktuellen Nachhaltigkeitsgesetze und -regularien auf

All of these guidelines directly and indirectly oblige companies to prioritize climate protection in their supply chains.
For example, the CSDDD draft paper – in relation to the CSRD climate obligations – explicitly requires “that the company’s business model and strategy are compatible with the transition to a sustainable economy and with limiting global warming to 1.5 °C in accordance with the Paris Agreement and the goal of climate neutrality in accordance with [dem EU-Klimagesetz], including [der Ziele] for climate neutrality […].”(CSDDD draft of 15.3.2024 , Art. 15) So much for the dry legal perspective.
However, as we already wrote in the ESG Briefing, we at VERSO are convinced that anyone who does not take a holistic approach to the topic of sustainability strategy will only end up with bureaucratic red tape without any added value as a result of the requirements. So let’s take a look at why climate protection in the supply chain is incredibly important, even beyond legal obligations!

Climate protection in the supply chain – because it makes companies future-proof

Climate change poses risks for supply chains

The supply chain is the backbone of every company.
But it is also one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions.
Depending on the industry, up to 80% of a company’s total emissions are generated here alone.
By now, everyone should be aware that greenhouse gas emissions – especially CO2 – fuel climate change.
And this has consequences for the supply chain.
Because with global warming, storms, heavy rain, floods, but also heatwaves with droughts and fires are becoming more frequent worldwide.
These extreme weather events can damage, block or completely destroy production facilities and transport routes.
This results in delivery delays and production and harvest failures with considerable financial losses and frustration among customers.
On the other hand, there is the growing global demand for raw materials of all kinds. This is not just about rare earths or important metals, but also about very basic things such as drinking water and food.
And where resources become scarce, conflicts, tensions or even wars are not long in coming.
It is clear as daylight that this is a real problem for the local people on the one hand, but also for your supply chain on the other.
It is therefore in the interests of procurement to help curb climate change with climate protection measures along the supply chain.

Supply chain resilience with VERSO

Gain transparency, reduce dependencies, keep an eye on current crises: Find out how you can strengthen your supply chain with the VERSO Supply Chain Hub!

Customers and consumers demand sustainability

Sustainability – and therefore also climate protection – is becoming increasingly important for investors, customers and consumers when making purchasing decisions: 79% of consumers surveyed in a Capgemini study stated that they are changing their purchasing behavior in the interests of sustainability.
66% even responded that they specifically look for environmental friendliness when selecting products and services.
Sustainable, climate-friendly products are therefore a) becoming a competitive advantage.
But be careful: If it says climate protection on the label, it must really contain climate protection!
With the Green Claims Directive, false or vague environmental claims (greenwashing) lead to expensive fines.
Not to mention the loss of reputation for your company.
And even if the CSDDD no longer directly affects SMEs and companies can no longer simply pass on their due diligence obligations to their suppliers: The Business Development Bank of Canada found that 92% of large companies will demand clear ESG information from their suppliers.
ESG commitment is therefore also b) becoming a decision criterion when awarding contracts.

Measures for climate protection in the supply chain

In summary, we can therefore state the following: On the one hand, climate protection in the supply chain is a must because it is simply required by law in various forms.
At the same time, however, it also presents opportunities!
If you start decarbonizing your supply chain now, you will make it more resilient to climate change risks and their effects.
At the same time, you will meet the growing sustainability demands of customers and consumers.
And you protect yourself against rising costs, such as those associated with the carbon pricing that the CBAM places on imports.
The challenges associated with the sustainable transformation of the supply chain are therefore more than worth it.
Don’t you agree?
Last but not least, only one question remains: What does climate protection in the supply chain mean in practice?
You can find specific tips on reducing emissions in the supply chain in our article “Decarbonizing the supply chain: How companies can achieve their climate targets along the supply chain”.
Read on now!  

* This information is summarized editorial content and should not be construed as legal advice. VERSO accepts no liability.

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