Mann schiebt sein Fahrrad durch Hochwasser. Symbolbild für den Klimawandel, auf den sich ESRS E1 fokussiert

CSRD and climate: tips on reporting in accordance with ESRS E1

Anyone facing CSRD reporting cannot avoid ESRS E1. Read this article to find out what makes the first environmental standard so important and how you can meet the requirements efficiently!

ESRS E1 – the standard to which (almost) everyone must report

The work on each CSRD report starts with a double materiality analysis. This determines which of the more than 1000 data points of the CSRD your company actually has to report on. The first environmental standard ESRS E1 is an exception. Regardless of the result of the double materiality analysis, every company must basically report on the 230 or so data points required by this standard. Why? Because every company causes emissions and therefore has an impact on climate change. Conversely, every company is likely to be affected by climate change. In short: no company can avoid ESRS E1. At the same time, reporting according to this standard is complex. So let’s go through step by step how to master ESRS E1.

The ESRS standards at a glance

The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are intended to make sustainability reports more meaningful and comparable. All information can be found in the whitepaper.

What is ESRS E1 about?

Data collection and reporting are easier if you know the “why” behind it. ESRS E1 is designed to show you why,

  • … how your company affects climate change (positively and negatively, real and potential).
  • … what risks and opportunities climate change holds for your company and how your company deals with them.
  • … how your company is working to protect the climate – this includes previous and current measures, but also future ones.
  • … the financial consequences of the climate crisis for your company.

The requirements of ESRS E1 can be divided into two subject areas:

  • Mitigation of climate change (“Climate Change Mitigation”): Strategies and measures to limit global warming
  • Adaptation to climate change (“Climate Change Adaptation”): Approaches to strengthen resilience to current and expected consequences of climate change

The data points at a glance

As already mentioned, ESRS E1 is relevant for almost all companies. In total, E1 comprises nine disclosure requirements – but not all of them are immediately relevant or important for every company. Here is a brief overview:

  • E1-1 – Transition plan for climate protection
  • E1-2 – Concepts related to climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • E1-3 – Measures and resources in connection with the climate strategies
  • E1-4 – Goals related to climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • E1-5 – Energy consumption and energy mix
  • E1-6 – Gross GHG emissions in Scope 1, 2 and 3 categories and total emissions
  • E1-7 – Greenhouse gas abatement and greenhouse gas reduction projects financed throughcarbon credits
  • E1-8 – InternalCO2 pricing
  • E1-9 – Expected financial impact of significant physical and transition risks and potential climate-related opportunities

There are also three requirements from the overarching ESRS 2 standard:

  • ESRS 2 GOV-3 – Inclusion of sustainability-related performance in incentive systems
  • ESRS 2 IRO-1 – Description of procedures for the identification and assessment of significant climate-related impacts, risks and opportunities
  • ESRS 2 SBM-3 – Significant impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model

Good to know: There are some exceptions to ESRS E1 reporting. In principle, any company can use internalcarbon pricing(ESRS E1-8), but in practice it only makes sense for large companies. ESRS E1-8 is therefore not a mandatory part of every CSRD report. You only have to report on E1-9 from the second reporting year onwards. And Scope 3 data is only mandatory in the first reporting year for companies with more than 750 employees. Nevertheless, a lot of information is requested here. To make matters worse, most of the required data points are not simply available, but must first be determined. This raises the question: What is the best way to approach ESRS E1? Here is your guide to ESRS E1.

Guide for your climate strategy

A holistic climate strategy is more than helpful for climate targets, transition plans and CO2 balances. You can find tips on this in this guide.

Step by step through ESRS E1

The ESRS E1 disclosure requirements make sense in the order just mentioned when reading and reporting/writing. However, if you stick to this order when collecting data, you will be missing important data at the beginning. We therefore recommend the following procedure for data collection instead. During the actual reporting, you then present your results in the actual order: E1-1, E1-2, …

Step 1: ESRS E1-6 and ESRS E1-5

ESRS 1 stands and falls with the GHG balance for Scopes 1 to 3, which serves as a baseline for all further disclosure requirements. Determine your energy balance directly here so that you have all the data to hand in the next steps.

Step 2: ESRS E1-4

Based on your balance sheet baseline, develop or name your short and medium-term climate targets as well as your long-term net zero target. Make sure that your targets are science-based and in line with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Don’t have any targets yet? Then you can also indicate when you will set your targets.

Step 3: ESRS E1-3

Now identify your decarbonization levers. Describe which measures you want to use to achieve the stated targets and which measures have already been implemented. Alternatively, you can specify here by when you want to have developed your measures – similar to the targets.

Step 4: ESRS E1-7

Does your company offset unavoidable residual emissions viaCO2 credits or compensation projects? Then of course you must also report on this. Caution: Be careful here to avoid falling into the greenwashing trap.

Step 5: ESRS E1-1

Now comes your transition plan. Here you describe in detail how your company is working to protect the climate, how you are preparing your company for the climate crisis and its consequences and how your company is making a concrete contribution to limiting global warming. There is a transition period for ESRS E1-1 in the first reporting years.

Step 6: ESRS E1-2

You then name concepts in connection with climate protection and adaptation to climate change – and how you implement these strategies. This includes, for example, internal control elements such as the internalCO2 price according to ESRS E1-8, but also IT and software strategies. Here, too, you can alternatively specify by when you will develop your concept.

Step 7: Reporting

Once the data has been collected, targets set and measures defined to achieve these targets, the next step is reporting.

Practical guide CSRD

Special features, practical examples and stumbling blocks: Our guide makes it easier for you to get started and prepare for the CSRD and the ESRS standard. Including checklist!

Practical tips for implementation

Not all companies manage to report on all disclosure requirements in their first report. Nevertheless, we would like to conclude by giving you a few basic tips on what you should pay particular attention to when reporting on ESRS E1.

Never underestimate the carbon footprint

The carbon footprint must be based on a stable foundation of data. You should therefore carefully consider all of your company’s sources of emissions. From employees’ commute to work to logistics. Even if this means a lot of work, don’t take any shortcuts in the wrong places. The results run like a red thread through the entire standard. All further measures are derived from the carbon footprint. At the same time, you can only achieve your climate targets if they are reflected in the carbon footprint. Thirdly, inaccuracies and errors lead to false claims in climate statements – something that is now sanctioned under the Green Claims Directive. So approach ESRS E1-6 with a keen eye and the necessary level of detail to ensure that the next steps are also successful.

Customize your processes

The enormous amounts of data that need to be collected from a wide variety of sources for ESRS E1 require a high level of transparency about what is going on in your company and your supply chains. Depending on how your company is already set up, new processes and structures may be needed to effectively map the requirements.

Allow sufficient time

CSRD reporting is already very extensive. ESRS E1 in particular takes a lot of time. The carbon footprint alone can take six months – and the climate strategy based on it is also time-consuming. So plan enough time and a buffer!

From carbon footprint to reporting: VERSO supports you!

Probably the most important tip: don’t waste any time. And don’t hesitate to seek support. VERSO helps you with software and advice to meet the requirements of ESRS E1 – from thecarbon footprint and transparent, truthful climate communication to the finished sustainability report.

Stress-free CSRD compliance

Our practical software package supports you every step of the way – right through to the finished CSRD report.

* This information is summarized editorial content and should not be construed as legal advice. VERSO accepts no liability.

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  • Pragmatic all-in-one solution for ESG reporting, climate and supply chain management
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Schmelzender Eisberg im Wasser als Symbol für die Klimastrategie

Step by step to Net Zero: how to develop a climate strategy for your company

The climate strategy for your company is imminent. But how to start – and where? Read this article to find out how to develop a suitable strategy for targeted decarbonization step by step!

Sustainability has become more of a focus for society, politics and business in recent years.
With the Paris Climate Agreement, the European Green Deal and its various implementation strategies such as CBAM, the EU Climate Change Act, CSRD or CSDDD, there is a whole range of targets, goals and guidelines, including for climate protection.
Nevertheless, there are warnings that the current course is not enough and that we will crack the 1.5° mark sooner than feared.
So is it better to bury our heads in the sand because it won’t help anyway?
No – it is now all the more important that everyone gets involved.
Companies in particular have a responsibility here.
But how and where to start?
Here is a step-by-step guide to developing a decarbonization strategy for your company!

1. recognize the challenge: Tackling the climate strategy with the right motivation

55% of the German managers surveyed in a Capgemini study stated that In the next ten years, climate change will pose the greatest challenges for the business model.
Climate change is no longer just around the corner – it already has both feet in the hallway.
For the first companies, it has even arrived in the living room and is smashing the fine china in the display case.
This is because climate change has long since had an impact on the first supply chains and business models.
So the challenge is clear: develop strategies and plans to reduce your own company’s emissions. At VERSO, we think it’s important not only to recognize the challenge – but also to find the right motivation to get started in a focused way and to persevere.
So here’s a question for you: What is your motivation behind developing a climate strategy? Perhaps for you it’s the traditional regulatory pressure.
For example, because you are obliged by the CSRD to disclose your climate strategy.
But perhaps the matter is also close to your heart regardless of the law – because you can see the advantages of a climate strategy or because you want to future-proof your company.
You may also want to arm yourself against rising costs due to CBAM and EU emissions trading, meet the growing demand for sustainable products or strengthen your employer branding.
Whatever it is, a clear motivation brings commitment throughout the company and ensures that your decarbonization plan is not just based on dry numbers.

2. create a CO₂ balance sheet or GHG balance sheet: The basis of your climate strategy

But it doesn’t work entirely without dry figures.
Once the commitment has been clarified, the second step is to lay the foundations for your decarbonization strategy.
This first requires an inventory in the form of a carbon footprint.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol(GHG Protocol) provides you with guidance.
This is the most widely used standard for balancing greenhouse gas emissions.
Important when determining your emissions: Go really in-depth and get as much data as possible – from as many sources as possible!
How is your company structured?
What sources of emissions are there in your company?
Which of these sources are real emissions hotspots?
How many emissions are generated each year?
Work your way through your processes, products and activities step by step – right through to Scope 3.
Because even if it is easier to collect data for Scope 1 and Scope 2, Scope 3 emissions from the upstream and downstream value chain account for up to 80% of a company’s total emissions!
Tools such as our Climate Hub and Supply Chain Hub make it easier for you to record all climate data accurately and clearly.

Überblick zu den einzelnen Scopes: Scope 1 umfasst direkte Emissionen eines Unternehmens, Scope 2 umfasst indirekte Emissionen eines Unternehmens und Scope 3 umfasst alle Emissionen, die in der Wertschöpfungskette eines Unternehmens entstehen.

By the way: If you want to know even more precisely, you can balance all of your company’s greenhouse gas emissions.
In addition to CO₂, a complete GHG balance sheet includes six other gases with greenhouse gas potential – including methane and nitrous oxide, for example.

3. set targets for the decarbonization strategy

The status quo is ticked off.
Now the journey can begin.
But – where are we actually going?
The next step is to set clear climate targets for your company.
Preferably in SMARTform, of course:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Ambitious
  • Realistic
  • Scheduled

Be sure to involve your company’s stakeholders here – because setting targets over the heads of employees, which they ultimately have to implement, can quickly backfire.
Here is a short checklist for the goals of your climate strategy:

  • Our climate targets are science-based (support is provided, for example, by the SBTi sector guidelines)
  • Our climate targets support the 1.5° target of the Paris Climate Agreement
  • We have set a baseline year to benchmark our progress
  • We have agreed a clear timeframe for our climate targets

When planning your reduction targets, also differentiate between:

  • Long-term climate targets that go hand in hand with far-reaching structural changes in your company
  • Short-term climate targets with which your company can achieve initial success quickly
  • Absolute climate targets; i.e. quantitative targets to be achieved by time X
  • Relative climate targets; i.e. the CO₂ reduction depends on key figures such as the number of employees or production figures

4. plan measures to implement the climate strategy

You are aware of your company’s emissions and climate hotspots and have set yourself clear decarbonization targets. Unfortunately, targets alone do not slow down climate change.
So in step 4, it’s time to plan your strategy so that you can take action.
Here are four tips from our side:

  1. Involve important stakeholders here again in order to find as many approaches and levers as possible.
  2. External consultants are also worth considering – they can help you uncover hidden potential for reducing emissions.
  3. Make sure that the measures are feasible.
    No one is helped if you develop ambitious goals and radical measures that are unfortunately not compatible with reality.
  4. Get a picture of the maturity levels of your stakeholders.
    An example: In order to achieve the climate targets in the supply chain, suppliers should produce 100% with renewable energies.
    Supplier A has had sustainability on its agenda for a long time and fulfills this requirement with ease.
    Supplier B has not had much to do with sustainability so far, but wants to make the switch – your company can help here with training or support.

Is your procurement ready for ESG requirements?

Prepare yourself optimally for all new requirements with this checklist!

5. reduce emissions

If planned correctly, your climate strategy should work like a cycle: After the initial assessment with objectives and action planning, there is a “working phase” in which you let your measures take effect and pursue your goals.
After a year, you take stock and adjust your strategy to make it even more efficient.
The rule here is: good things take time.
If the decarbonization strategy is to have a real impact, it can run for ten years or longer in large companies with extensive processes and supply chains!

6. offset unavoidable emissions

Let’s be honest – CO₂ compensation is a controversial topic.
Some are in favor of it, others see it as greenwashing.
In principle, offsetting should really only be an option if you have fully exhausted all potential for reducing emissions.
If you decide to offset unavoidable emissions as part of your climate strategy, we would like to give you an important tip: Make use of reputable offsetting projects that

  1. are tailored to your company and
  2. whose effect is measurable.

The voluntary carbon market is not yet regulated by the state and is rather opaque.
Instead of legally binding criteria for validating carbon offsetting, there are only a number of private standards and registers with different quality criteria.
The result: major differences in quality within the climate protection projects on which the so-called CO₂ credits are based.
So take a close look.
In particular, Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) has already successfully (and publicly!) sued several times against compensation through forest projects and reforestation, for example because the estimated forest area could not compensate for the amount of CO₂ emitted or the project did not run long enough to keep up with the lifetime of CO₂ in the atmosphere.

7. optimize climate strategy – and communicate with pleasure!

We briefly touched on this a moment ago: The decarbonization strategy is not a one-off project.
Once it gets rolling, it will run for many, many years.
After all, we still have a long way to go with climate change.
And a lot can happen in those years.
Check progress regularly.
What is going according to plan, where is there a hitch, where is nothing happening at all?
Check whether you will achieve your goals within the agreed time frame.
Talk to your stakeholders about where there is still potential. And please evaluate honestly whether your current strategy is actually of any use to the stakeholder on whom everything ultimately depends: nature! Last but not least: mistakes are part of the process – just like celebrating successes.
Communicate your progress, but also openly admit where you may have misjudged.
Show what your company wants to achieve and where you want to make improvements. Transparency, honesty and commitment are the drivers of sustainable transformation!

Let’s find your way towards Net Zero

Alongside sustainability reporting, planning and implementing the climate strategy is one of the most time-consuming tasks.
Thousands of data points and emission factors from the entire value chain are included in the calculation of the carbon footprint.
Many of these are not directly available to you and must first be obtained.
If you want to carry out the calculation correctly (i.e. in line with international standards such as the GHG Protocol), you need insight and perseverance.
And then there are doubts like: Do our climate targets even make sense?
Are our measures having any effect?
Can I communicate this and that milestone for our product now, or will I be accused of greenwashing?

Your overview of the new Green Claims Directive

New obligations for all those who advertise with terms such as “climate neutral”: The Anti-Greenwashing Directive sets barriers.
What you should know now.

The first climate strategy in particular is a real challenge.
VERSO helps you to get started – and to implement your decarbonization plan safely in the long term.
Then take a look at how we can support you with your climate strategy:

* This information is summarized editorial content and should not be construed as legal advice. VERSO accepts no liability.

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  • Pragmatic all-in-one solution for ESG reporting, climate and supply chain management
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CO2-Bilanz, Klimaziele, Net-Zero: Hinter all diesen Begriffen steckt die Dekarbonisierungsstrategie bzw. die Klimastrategie von Unternehmen. Die ganzheitliche Erarbeitung einer solchen Strategie hat viele Vorteile. Welche Chancen dahinter stecken, lesen Sie hier.

5 advantages of a decarbonization strategy: Why it is important for companies

Carbon footprint, climate targets, net zero: behind all these terms lies the decarbonization strategy or the climate strategy of companies. The holistic development of such a strategy has many advantages. You can read about the opportunities behind it here.

Despite the Paris Climate Agreement, the Green Deal and national laws: The amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere continues to rise.
And industry is the second largest contributor to these emissions after the energy sector.
As a result, the pressure on companies to focus on their environmental performance, invest in climate protection and reduce their GHG emissions continues to grow.
You may already be facing requirements such as carbon footprinting, meeting climate targets or, more recently, a climate transition plan required by the CSRD.
All of these topics are part of the holistic climate strategy that we are talking about here.

Laut Umweltbundesamt wurden im Jahr 2023 in Deutschland die meisten Treibhausgasemissionen (CO2e) in den Sektoren Energiewirtschaft und Industrie ausgestoßen.

What is a decarbonization strategy?

A decarbonization strategy can be thought of as a cycle: It comprises six steps that you go through in sequence.
After the sixth step, you start again at number one.
With each step, you look at your challenges in more detail and continue to optimize your processes.
You can manage your goals, adapt measures, reduce emissions further and further – and get closer and closer to your Net Zero goal.
These are the 6 steps of the decarbonization strategy:

  1. Development and recognition of challenges
  2. Preparation of a greenhouse gas balance sheet to determine the status quo
  3. Definition of measurable climate targets and measures
  4. Reducing GHG emissions as far as possible
  5. Offsetting residual emissions through certified projects from e.g. Climate Grid
  6. Transparent communication of successes and potential for improvement

Before you go through the process for the first time, we recommend that you introduce a data and process management tool such as VERSO’s Climate Hub into your company.
Important for the decarbonization plan: The software should not only cover the calculation of the carbon footprint, but also enable proper climate management including KPI tracking, target tracking, creation of measures as well as internal and external collaboration options.

The 5 advantages of a decarbonization strategy

In 2023, the opinion research institute Forsa asked German SMEs that will fall under the new CSRD about their status quo with regard to sustainability and climate reporting: 52% are currently working on a climate strategy, 40% have already formulated a concrete strategy and 9% do not yet see a need for one.
We have here Five advantages that a climate strategy entails for your company:  

1. be prepared for regulatory pressure

In Germany and the EU, the laws resulting from the European Green Deal in particular are calling on companies to decarbonize and operate in a more environmentally conscious manner.
Examples of legal requirements:

  • The CSRD’s ESRS E1 reporting standard alone requires an entire climate transition plan – in addition to the carbon footprint and disclosure of specific climate targets.
  • The CSRD is also linked to the EU taxonomy, which requires companies to disclose how sustainable their business activities are according to strict criteria.
  • The CBAM will be of interest to companies that import goods from non-EU countries, as the CO2 border adjustment mechanism will in future oblige companies that import emission-intensive goods to purchase certificates to offset the emissions emitted.

At the latest when your company is affected by these regulations, you should have a decarbonization plan up your sleeve – otherwise legal consequences are possible.
However, there are also advantages to starting the project before the law takes effect.
You can then pay attention to limit values and risks as early as the target setting stage, collect the data required for legal compliance during data collection and have the relevant disclosure requirements ready in the right form.
This will save you stress and you will not be surprised by requirements that you cannot fulfill.  

2. avoid the risk of greenwashing accusations

Simply calling yourself “green” is a thing of the past.
With the Green Claims Directive the EU is specifying what is greenwashing and what is not.
Soon, companies will have to prove the accuracy of their environmental claims in a scientifically verified manner.
If they fail to do so, they will not only face damage to their image, but also real legal and financial consequences.
They are certainly not deliberately greenwashing – but it can easily happen unknowingly, as many greenwashing accusations originate from marketing activities that portray the company in too good a light.
This happens above all when the company’s sustainability data is not transparent.
However, transparent sustainability communication can succeed with a climate strategy: The number-based strategy, KPI tracking and carbon footprint allow you to communicate comprehensible facts, figures and targets.

Your overview of the new Green Claims Directive

With the Green Claims Directive, the EU now provides a clear framework for sustainability claims.
Get a clear overview of the new Green Claims Directive and its consequences for your company in this factsheet!

3. identify the risks and potential of climate issues

A decarbonization strategy can make a significant contribution to the future viability of your company.
It reveals risks and potential. Risks By collecting detailed data, you can identify risks that often go unnoticed in day-to-day business.
How much electricity do we actually consume?
Which bottlenecks in our production lead to increased CO2 consumption?
You receive figures and comparative values for areas where there was often little clarity before.
Identifying climate risks makes your overall risk management more meaningful.
It helps you to plan more reliably and calculate costs correctly. Potentials In addition, your potentials become visible, such as the environmental commitment of your suppliers, energy savings or the use of renewable energies.
You can measure progress and see which measures may have less impact than expected and where you can actually make a difference.
Ultimately, you can also save costs and increase your efficiency.  

4. advantages with stakeholders for loans, investments and tenders

If you have a decarbonization plan ready, you will make yourself popular with your stakeholders.
After all, they are increasingly asking about a company’s commitment to climate protection.
Which stakeholders are you talking about in particular?

  • Business partners in tenders: Other companies – especially OEMs – are also affected by statutory ESG requirements.
    As a result, they naturally do not want to take on any additional risk and also pay attention to ESG criteria in tenders.
    If you already have a solid decarbonization plan in place, this puts you in a better position in the tendering process.
  • Banks for loans: Banks also face ESG requirements.
    In practice, this means that your borrowing costs also depend on your ESG rating: Better rating, cheaper loan.
    And your strategy naturally has an impact on your rating.
  • Investors: The same applies here – investors also include ESG criteria in their investment ratings.
    With a decarbonization strategy, a lot of things can be ticked off the list.
    And not to forget: The strategy gives investors insights into your company’s potential and options for action.
    You can authentically demonstrate how you want to ensure the future viability of your company in harmony with the environment.
  • Customers: 79% of consumers change their purchasing behavior based on sustainability considerations(study by Capgemini).
    This means that you have a competitive advantage if you can make transparent how your company is committed to climate protection and decarbonization.
    Consumers now look closely at sustainability communication and are quickly suspicious of general sustainability claims.
    You score points with your climate strategy because you can also back up your communication with figures and transparently show your improvement potential and strategy.

5. strengthen supply and business relationships

Companies with which you have a business or supply relationship may also be affected by the CSRD or the German Supply Chain Act, the LkSG.
You now need ESG transparency throughout your supply chain – including climate and CO2 data.
With your climate strategy, you are already prepared for the questionnaires from your business partners.
If you have nothing to show, business relationships may be on the brink of collapse.

How VERSO supports you with your decarbonization strategy

If you want to take a strategic approach to decarbonization, we will be happy to support you: The VERSO Climate Hub, combined with the VERSO ESG Hub, enables you to achieve holistic climate management.
We are also happy to support you with our consulting team: many questions arise, especially in the first year of balancing or strategy development, and it takes some time to familiarize yourself with the topic.
We support you in integrating the processes in your company, in correctly preparing the first carbon footprint and in developing sensible targets, measures and strategies to reduce your emissions.
With this support, we enable you to subsequently implement your climate strategy on your own responsibility.
Does that sound like what you’re looking for?
Please feel free to contact us.

* This information is summarized editorial content and should not be construed as legal advice. VERSO accepts no liability.

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