Get CSRD under control with us
Transform your sustainability data into audit-proof CSRD reports. With our modular CSRD software package, you can reduce the workload for your CSRD report by up to 75%.

CSRD compliance: not quite so easy?
CSRD reporting is a complex and challenging task. What is intended as a sensible measure for sustainability reports with real impact makes ESG managers really sweat:
- ESG data collection: Where do I start? How do I find out how sustainable my company and my supply chains currently are?
- Double materiality analysis: Which of the more than 1,000 possible data points do I actually have to report on?
- Strategy: How exactly do the ESRS work? How do I plan an effective sustainability strategy?
- Security: How do I ensure that my report gets through the audit safely?
- Understanding: Why and how am I doing this at all?
At the same time, CSRD is so new that there is hardly any experience. And that doesn’t exactly make the whole thing easy, does it?
CSRD Suite: One solution for everything
The CSRD Suite makes CSRD implementation easier than you think. Our CSRD compliance solution with onboarding and guided self-service supports you every step of the way – right through to the finished CSRD report. Want more? No problem! Customize the CSRD Suite with modular extensions for CBAM or EUDR, more users or additional consulting according to your needs.
Implementing CSRD compliance step by step
Understanding CSRD
… with the VERSO Academy. With licenses for the “CSRD & ESRS Compliance” and “Fit for Sustainability” courses, you gain understanding and in-depth practical knowledge for preparing and implementing CSRD.
Double materiality analysis
… mit unserer KI-gestützten Lösung. Das zertifiziert IDW- und CSRD-konforme Modul verhilft Ihnen im Handumdrehen zum Startpunkt Ihres CSRD-Berichts: Der prüfungssicheren Analyse der doppelten Wesentlichkeit.
ESG data management & reporting
… mit dem VERSO ESG Hub. Erhalten Sie mit unserer CSRD-Compliance-Software Zugang zu unserem digitalen Cockpit für ESG-Manager:innen. Hier zentralisieren Sie Ihre ESG- Daten und erstellen einfach und sicher Ihren CSRD-konformen Bericht.
Supply chain transparency
… mit dem VERSO Supply Chain Hub. Über 100 ESRS-Datenpunkte beziehen sich auf die Lieferkette – aber die Datensammlung ist oft schwierig. VERSO verschafft Ihnen vollen Überblick über Ihre Lieferketten, damit Sie Ihre Angabepflichten mühelos erfüllen.
Carbon footprint and climate strategy
… mit dem VERSO Climate Hub. Ob für Treibhausgas-Bilanz, Klimaziele oder Klimastrategie: Mit VERSO sammeln Sie belastbare Daten, um die Anforderungen von Umweltstandards wie ESRS E1 effizient zu erfüllen.
VERSO instead of experiments
CSRD in itself is already a mammoth project. It doesn’t have to be a mammoth project in itself. Why not make CSRD as easy as possible for yourself – with VERSO at your side?
- Onboarding and support from our Customer Success Team
- 15 years of experience in ESG management
- Everything from a single source
- > 300 satisfied customers
- > 1000 published sustainability reports
- Always at eye level
We make you fit for the CSRD!
Excellent sustainability management
On the safe side: the data security and processes of our CSRD compliance software are excellent and certified.
- Module for dual materiality analysis: CSRD and IDW audit-compliant
- ESG Hub: Certified according to GRI standards
- VERSO Climate Hub: Certified according to ISO 14064-1
- VERSO Supply Chain Hub: ISO/IEC 27001, GDPR-compliant
Arrange a demo for the CSRD Suite now!
Interested? We would be happy to show you in a non-binding demo how you can master the challenges of CSRD with our modular CSRD compliance software!